News from the Studio
February 27, 2025
I wanted to let my visitors know I will be on the mainland from April 2-20 however my Studio will be open if you are on Kauai at that time.
The plein aire sessions have become a great source of comfort just painting whatever catches my eye. At some point I will display all the 6x8 'woods and canyon" oils I have done in the last few years.
Meanwhile the PAH show is in May and I have a few beauties to enter.
See you soon,
January 23, 2025
This has been a challenging month for me as my sweet, lovely Mother passed away to take up her residence in Heaven.
My Mom was the one who encouraged my artistic career and delighted in my achievements, and talked me through my tough times.
It was her old oil box that started me painting, with no instruction but a will to try something new.
I will miss her but I know she is still with me.
December 30, 2024
Another year is here for us to make what we will of it, and I intend to spend it creating!
There are all sorts of painting plans ready to be implemented, more challenging compositions and hopefully more trips to paint other landscapes.
Thank you all for your support and patronage,
December 05, 2024
Happy Holidays to you all and a merry 2025!
I am so grateful for my family, friends and to God for my gifts, that I can share with you.
I'll be doing a pastel demonstration at the Grand Hyatt December 6th from 3-8pm, with an assortment of little paintings for sale.I will also be painting at the Shops at Kukuiula on December 18 during the Farmer's Market at Martin and MacArthurs other retail store.
I have some ink and watercolor paintings in the Studio now of the west side of Kauai, my plein aire passion with a new look.
Contact me for painting classes as I am now doing Studio classes with still life or with reference material, a minimum of two people required.
Well back to my easel, be well and take time to enjoy the Season.
October 08, 2024
What a month full of new landscapes and adventure I have had. the Pacific Northwest will be our new getaway for the late summer and early fall, as our island gets sleepy and overheated.
I was able to see New Mexico for the first time and was inspired by Georgia OKeefe landscapes. My friends and I painted in watercolors but I long to do some of these vistas in oil or pastel to put on this site.
I am back for teaching, doing demonstrations at the Grand Hyatt in Poipu and gearing up for the holiday season.
Be well and I hope to hear from you or see you on your next trip to the islands,
September 05, 2024
We have been sweating it out on Kauai this summer, no rain and extreme drought.We hold our communal breathes when hurricanes buzz by, but wish they would leave some showers behind.
I will be in Washington State for a few weeks then off to New Mexico, painting watercolors with my friends. It will be a nice break from the heat, and then back for the winter traveler season and holidays.
Helen Turner's Studio will be closed 9/9-10/7
Find my paintings at Martin and MacArthurs at the Grand Hyatt and Kukuiula Shops.
See you in October!
June 06, 2024
On Kauai the weather is always mild and yet this winter and spring we had more clouds, rain and wind then normal, so we are all set to enjoy time off with sun, sand and some long explores in the woods.
I have been working on commissions in the Studio and am thankful for the air conditioning.
My hours in Waimea are 10-4pm weekdays, and any time the red windsock is out in front of my door. I check my texts and email often, so if you want to come in while you are visiting the west side, contact me and we can schedule a private visit.
I am doing more plein aire watercolors and hope to have some that are worthy of display at some point, meanwhile, I'm painting daily and looking forward to a painting trip in the Fall. My Studio will be closed for the month of September.
Enjoy the nice weather!
April 05, 2024
This year has been an amazing art journey for me, with opportunities and blessings coming my way.
I was very surprised to find out my pastel "Shadows in Blue" won Best of Show for this years Pastel Artists of Hawaii juried show. This makes my third year in a row of winning this honor, and I am over the moon.
The show is on display at the Downtown Art Center on Oahu, in case you have a chance to see it in person.
I will be publishing my newsletter next week, so contact me if you would like to be on my mailing list.
In other news, Unison Pastels published my blog on Instagram this morning. I am an associate member and write on various themes, this one is all about pastel sunsets and seascape moods. Look under Unison Pastels on Instagram to find it.
February 20, 2024
I have two new galleries to exhibit my pastels and oils on the south side of Kauai in Poipu.
Martin and MacArthur Galleries have contracted me to show my works in the Grand Hyatt and The Shops at Kukuiula. I am very excited to be the only Kauai artist in the Galleries, painting the island as I see it, with a long time residents viewpoint.
Pastel Artists of Hawaii Annual show, Beauty of Pastels is jurying now for an April show at the Downtown Art Center.
Pastel Society of the West Coast is jurying now for the online Members Only Show.
I will post any additional information when i receive it.
Meanwhile, I am still teaching, doing plein air painting and creating work in my Waimea Studio, come and visit!
January 18, 2024
2024 will be a year of new explorations for me. Working with watercolor and gouache in the field lately and having fun with it. My latest plein aire oils are experimenting with different subjects from old farm machinery to quick studies of canyon vistas.
New gallery situations on the horizon,( more to come) and that will free me up to travel and paint in new locations.
I am venturing off the beaten path with my outdoor painting, so if you see a gal with an orange cap on the side of the road it could be me!
I'm still teaching so contact me to schedule a day.
December 05, 2023
This Holiday season goes so fast, I thought I would say that right up front! I have been a very good girl this year, painting nearly every day inside and outside of the Studio, and I have all sorts of new works to choose from, framed and ready for hanging.
If you are looking for a unique gift for that special someone you can purchase a gift certificate for a pastel or oil "plein aire" lesson. I can teach up to three people at a time providing all the materials.
I also have Cottage Calendars,note card sets and several sizes of prints.
This is also the time of year for commissions so if there is a special scene you would like painted in either oil or pastel contact me.
Meanwhile, enjoy the lights and sounds and friends of the season,
October 28, 2023
The cooler weather is finally here, and perhaps some lovely rain storms to soak the dry west side.
My newsletter is out and I am full of painting ideas for the easel.I have several Kokee projects I would like to paint as well as some north shore scenes I have not started yet.
I am teaching in both mediums, and maybe watercolors one day, as I am having so much fun doing my small set en plein aire.
I am doing live wedding events again so if anyone wants a pastelist on site contact me.
Back to the canvas!
October 10, 2023
Yes, I am procrastinating on getting that done because I wanted to add new work and they are getting sold! That is a good thing! I have not been entering shows but have been painting constantly in all mediums, even watercolor.
I am teaching plein aire painting on a regular basis so if you want to join me, contact me to schedule a day.
You can find my paintings in new venues now thanks to my friends Chad and Anna Ulmer of Hale'lea Galleries in Hanalei and Poipu.
Be well, seize the day, laugh when it's funny!
August 29, 2023
Here comes fall and I am not quite ready to see the change of seasons, however a little cooler in old Waimea will be refreshing!
I am working on a new series of oils, a little looser then my usual work. I have not had time for a trip but might sneak a getaway to the mountains.I'll be working on my fall newsletter soon but other then painting, my life will be very much the same.
I'm teaching regularly so if you would like to try plein aire painting in oil or pastel contact me to schedule a day.
August 12, 2023
Here in Kauai, we are stunned over the Maui firestorm tragedy. August is usually watching hurricanes buzz by and holding our breath, but this was something new.
It makes me look at things in a new light, cherishing each day with those you love, and showing kindness to everyone. I find myself constantly painting now, capturing the beauty that surrounds us and trying to push myself in artistic excellence. I am teaching quite a bit of plein aire lessons which takes me outside and I get to know my students while they have fun doing something new.
My website may be evolving soon but with the same address. I am improving my visibility in Waimea, and hope to welcome you into my Studio whenever you're on Kauai.
July 28, 2023
I still have two websites to maintain at this point, but the inquiries come to me regardless. My new sign is up on my Studio building, all red heliconia and telling travelers what to find inside.
I have new prints and note cards and more original paintings and am always looking for inspiration.
My plein aire classes are starting to get busy so if you would like to try something new with a one on one teacher, please inquire, and we will schedule a lesson.
June 23, 2023
I am currently in the process of upgrading my website with the help of an incredibly patient professional, so please be patient with me and I apologize if any communications take time for replies.
I hope to reintroduce giclee prints to my shop page at some point but please inquire about them if you are interested.
I am currently working on a two by four foot vertical of Waipoo Falls and have scores of plein aire oils waiting for frames or more attention.
This time of year on Kauai is hiking time and beach time so that's where I am, with a kit of some kind.
Waiting on the Pastel USA 99 Voices show but not showing anywhere currently.
I apologize that my red heliconia sign is not on the outside wall of my building yet, that is coming!
Until then, look for my rainbow windsock!
May 09, 2023
Little by little people are finding me here on the west side of Kauai, so I decided to open on Saturdays. I'll be taking Monday off to plein aire paint but sometimes my son Spenser will be in the Studio working on his projects.
I have some new signage to help people find me on the corner of my building, look for the bright red heliconia flower with ART as you drive through town.
I have so many new paintings I want to do, inspiration from our beautiful island so come and visit me while I work.
April 07, 2023
I am pleased to announce my pastel in this years Pastel Artists of Hawaii jury show has won top honors! "Camp House Road" was a painting I did in the studio after several plein air excursions to an area being sold and developed, and all the old cottages will be torn down.I wanted to capture a little of the sweet light of the old neighborhood.
I will be sending out my newsletter soon with all the newest paintings plus some on location oils I have in my Studio.
Hoping for a dry and sunny spring and summer, looking forward to many more painting opportunities.
If you would like a giclee of any of my originals write me through my inquiry and I will get back to you with a quote.
March 01, 2023
I keep trying to get some mountain time in but our winter has been windy and wet, nevertheless, I'm trying again in a few days.I have a few pastels in shows or thinking about shipping them, and doing commissions between larger oils.
I have discovered the importance of commissions and how they strengthen my skills and keep me looking forward to the next project so if there is a special image you would like immortalized in oil, contact me.
Waimea is once again a sleepy little town at the gateway to the Canyon, if visiting our fair island stop in and see me! I am in the Studio from 10am to 4pm weekdays and weekends if the weather is wet.
Aloha until we meet again,
January 05, 2023
On an island you crave something different every now and then and the start of a new year makes you examine your motives and habits. I am looking at my painting in a new way and will be trying some new formats and pushing my artistic endeavors. I have some giant canvas waiting for inspiration and some new plein air surfaces to explore.
Meanwhile I hope you will visit me at my Studio in Waimea to see all the works I have that would look beautiful on your wall.
December 13, 2022
What a year it has been, and more to come! More art, more challenging plein air locations,and bigger canvas! I am loving being here in Waimea and especially now with my new front window.I have been doing all sorts of fun commissions, so keep that in mind if there is something you would like that's precious to you.
Our open house is December 17, 6-8pm at the Studio during the Christmas parade, please come and say hello!
I am still teaching plein air lessons and studio lessons in oil or pastel, so contact me to schedule.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
November 19, 2022
This Holiday season is upon us and I have been busy painting commissions from sunsets to families. The Studio is brimming with oils and pastels in all ranges of sizes and prices, there is something for anyone who loves landscapes and Kauai.The 17th of December marks our town Lighted Parade,and Helen Turners Studio will be having a small Christmas party with refreshments and appetizers and some specials on original art so please come by and say hello if you are on island.
I am also gearing up for winter plein air lessons, so contact me in the inquiry, or you can also message me on Instagram, helenturnerfinearts.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!
October 10, 2022
I just found out my pastel "Old Rangers Cabin in Kokee" won First Place in the Second Annual Maui Pastel Show, a blessing to be sure. The Show season is almost over for me with one more pending.
Then comes the Holidays and getting the Studio ready for parades and parties and shoppers.
If you have tried to reach me through this site and I did not respond, we are working on that now, tech problems pop out when you least expect them.
Call or text me directly until we can fix it.
September 22, 2022
Hello my friends,
Back from our west coast trip and as you can see, I did a few pastels of Lake Tahoe and some oils are in the works.
I have been accepted into all my shows and will update you in my newsletter on anything notable.
The Studio is getting a little more attention, and I thank you all for coming in and spending time with me and taking home something original and purely Kauaian.
I will be taking a few days for a birthday Kokee trip, but that is my only guilty pleasure.Contact me for lessons or a special commission for Christmas.
Be well and happy,
August 25, 2022
Greetings Art lovers! I have been painting so many pastels this August, getting ready for a few jury shows, Art Kauai and the Maui Pastel Society. You can see my entries on my home page, as I wait to see what is juried in or out, as the judge sees it.
I will be gone for two weeks and back September nineth. I will bring my small kit of pastels to mess around with while gone and might have some new plein aires of Lake Tahoe to post.
Meanwhile keep sane, enjoy the good weather and love one another.
July 05, 2022
Hello art lovers, thank you for stopping by for a look at my latest paintings.I've been having fun plein air painting and doing commissions in between other small paintings just for fun, I sound a little crazy about painting don't I ?
With all the delays and shortages going on, I decided to cancel my shop page reproductions category. If you have ordered from me before write me and I will see if I can get it done for you.
Meanwhile, I'm selling more original paintings and that is what I would rather do. Don't hesitate to ask prices here on the inquiry email, shipping small paintings is easier then bigger paintings,but we will figure out the best method to get it to your home.
May 25, 2022
I recently was awarded "Best of Show" for my pastel "I Remember You" in this years Beauty of Pastel show for the Pastel Artists of Hawaii annual show. Laura Pollak was this years' judge and I am honored to have received this coveted award!!
I am back on island for the summer and am looking forward to all the projects I have on my to do list, and still teaching outdoor painting. A new addition to my plein air oil classes is thumbox painting.These little hand held easels are fun for quick impressions and easy to take anywhere.
Have a lovely spring, stay safe and enjoy life,
April 27, 2022
With all the current events and the uneasiness in the world, I have found painting daily really helps me control my emotions. I've been doing large scale oils which I enjoy painting immensely. People are starting to find me in Waimea and my client list is growing.
Still teaching plein air and studio lessons, keeps me busy when I'm not out painting with friends.
There are two pastel online shows I'm entering so hopefully I will get in and who knows?
I will be in New York for two weeks in mid May, but back again for the beautiful summer on Kauai.
Please contact me for information on commissions, lessons or shipping something you would like from my website.
February 17, 2022
I have been very busy painting large oils lately, and I think it's because I am doing more plein air work on my thumbox, which holds 6x8 inch panels.
Fortunately my large canvas made it through the shipping nightmare to Kauai, and I couldn't wait to do some large scale Na Pali landscapes.
I will be traveling this spring to the west coast and then on to the east coast. No matter where I am, I bring my gear, so I will share my best plein air works in my newsletter or in the plein air category.
If you are flying into Kauai this spring/summer look for my oil painting of Honopu Valley in the lobby artists display behind glass in the concourse.
Meanwhile,I am back to teaching,and have my Studio open to all visitors who love scenes of remote and peaceful Kauai. Please contact me if you would like a special image painted for your home.
December 31, 2021
We made it through last year so how will we adapt to the new normal?
I learned an important lesson last year, and that is never take your health for granted.I have my new valve now and I am determined to do as much as I can from now on. Painting is something I love to do, it can never be mastered, every canvas or piece of paper has it's own horizons, mountains to climb, difficulties to overcome.
I still have my wonderful Studio on Main Street in Waimea, and I've filled it with landscapes of Kauai, all little moments of beauty I felt were worthy of capturing. If you travel here, please come and see me, you might find something that you will treasure!
December 11, 2021
Another Christmas season is upon us, and how lucky we are to be here to enjoy it with our family and friends!
I am still here on Main Street in Waimea, in my wonderful workspace and gallery.I am being "discovered" by travelers with a love for the landscape, and that is my aim.
I have finished my big commission and will be starting another when I get back from a January break.If you have an idea you would like to see in oil or pastel for your home, please call on me.
Meanwhile, embrace the new year with love and compassion,keep in touch and carry on.
November 10, 2021
I have had my heart surgery and am back in the Studio, getting my rhythm adjusted and looking forward to the Holidays.
Although I have not been able to do any plein air lessons for a few weeks, i should be ready to start again in December.Thinking of doing some Canyon lessons,with emphasis on form, fun,and fast.
There is a big canvas on my easel almost ready for the new owners to view it, and I was able to purchase some more big canvas for the winter months, so anyone interested in a commission, please write me.
I will not be guaranteeing any deliveries after December first, Kauai and the west coast are so unpredictable with shipping lately. I will ship with a tracking number and then we cross our fingers and wait.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, I am blessed with friends, patrons and family.
Now to get back to painting!
November 10, 2021
I have had my heart surgery and am back in the Studio, getting my rhythm adjusted and looking forward to the Holidays.
Although I have not been able to do any plein air lessons for a few weeks, I should be ready to start again in December and am thinking of doing some Canyon lessons,with emphasis on form,fun,and fast.
There is a big canvas on my easel almost ready for the new owners to view it, and I was able to purchase some more big canvas for the winter months, so anyone interested in a commission, please write me.
I will not be guaranteeing any deliveries after December first, Kauai and the west coast are so unpredictable with shipping lately. I will ship with a tracking number and then we cross our fingers and wait.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, I am blessed with friends, patrons and family.
Now to get back to painting!
October 11, 2021
I'm still waiting to receive my new heart valve here on Kauai, well actually it would be done on Oahu. Meanwhile I am lucky enough to have a wonderful place to work in, and so a few large oils will keep me busy. I am back to teaching but very limited class sizes and more studio lessons then plein air.
Helen Turner Studio is getting busier with travelers stopping by and I anticipate a merrier Christmas then last year!
Don't hesitate to contact me for a special piece of art that would make someone happy! I can ship,bigger paintings are a challenge, but it can be done.
August 17, 2021
This will be a different sort of news letter for me, as I found out recently I need a new heart valve to keep me alive. We have made the arrangements for the fix, and before that, lots of resting, no summer fun for me..all I can do is sit and PAINT!!
So I am working on lots of small and medium pastels and oils, they keep me preoccupied and happy.
If anyone reading this has a commission they would like for Christmas, now is the time!
I am suspending all lessons until November, unless it's a studio painting session.
Hoping for a swift recovery, and then on to more adventures!
August 03, 2021
Kauai is alive with activity again! I have been so busy teaching and getting supplies back in my Studio that it seems like last year was a dream. The crowds take getting used to again, but we are all managing without too much stress.
Lots of new paintings, and I will be traveling more because I have no reason not to.
September is show season and I will post if I have any news.
Meanwhile, be safe.
July 06, 2021
A saying we have all heard before, but it the nicest feeling to touch down on Kauai. I am home after a month long trip to the east coast where things have been steadily changing since I left almost forty years ago.I took oils and pastels and soon realized I would not be able to get the wet panels between locations easily, so ended up using all the pastel paper I brought along. I spent some quiet moments enjoying working outside under the dogwood tree, and also under a sticky tulip poplar while fending off lady bugs.The company was wonderful but I am ready to resume classes and painting here on the hot west side of Kauai. I am also very sad to say my music partner is leaving the island so no Easyliving Jazz to look forward to.Everything must change, I guess.
Come and see me in Waimea, and learn something new, or take home a piece of the landscape you can have forever.
May 04, 2021
I will be away from Kauai for the month of June, visiting family in New York. My Studio will be open, so if you would like to come in, please do. The Studio is open weekdays from 10-4pm,with prints,framed and unframed original paintings in both oil and pastel.
I will be back in July to resume classes out in the great outdoors.
April 02, 2021
I wanted to mention I won third Place at this years Pastel Artists of Hawaii 18th Annual Juried show. My winning pastel is "Calling Elizabeth" a tribute to Elizabeth Mowry, who passed away this year, and whose work in pastel I greatly admired.
I am finding more inspiration in pushing my color boundaries and so look for much more colorful paintings in the near future.
Here comes Spring and then our hot Summer, with restrictions on travel lifted, there will be lots of comings and goings.
My Studio is still open and full of art, come and visit me.
January 08, 2021
I can now dig in and get painting for awhile. The Holidays are over and it is Show season, so I must bring out all my best images and see what makes magic.
I was lucky this past year with my wonderful clients keeping me open and working.
Head into spring there will be changes but let's hope we can all survive and thrive in 2021.
December 07, 2020
This is the time of year for smiles and warm embraces, unexpected meetings of old friends. I want that back, but unfortunately it won't happen this year, so let's make the best of it.
I am still painting and teaching in my Waimea Studio and spending time with my sons, trying to keep things merry and bright!
If you want to surprise someone with an original piece of art, print of gift certificate for an art lesson, I am available to do it.
Visit my Studio if you are able, otherwise I ship and am available for commission work.
Thank you for your support this year, better days are coming.
December 07, 2020
This is the time of year for smiles and warm embraces, unexpected meetings of old friends. I want that back, but unfortunately it won't happen this year, so let's make the best of it.
I am still painting and teaching in my Waimea Studio and spending time with my sons, trying to keep things merry and bright!
If you want to surprise someone with an original piece of art, print or gift certificate for an art lesson, I am available to do it.
Visit my Studio if you are able, otherwise I ship and available for commission work.
Thank you for your support this year, better days are coming.
November 20, 2020
Greetings to all my friends and patrons!I'm still here in my happy place, my Studio in Waimea, hanging in there by the grace of God and wonderful collectors who have been buying my small originals and giving me commissions to paint.
We are now open to visitors in Hawaii, which means our Covid-19 cases are going up, and soon they will either start quarantines or shut us down again.
Fortunately for me, my business is more geared to website viewers then walk in traffic so I am painting consistently and getting your paintings in the mail for those of you who missed a tropical getaway this year and long to see a favorite spot right in your own home to remind you life can be sweet!
September 14, 2020
Like most people around the world I am always wondering where the time went,what will happen next, and if I'll be ready for the changes that are bound to happen. My response is to keep painting, and be ready.
Thank you to all my patrons who have purchased paintings and prints from me over these last few months! When you can't come to Kauai, I will send it to you in a form that will last through the gray days and storms.
I still have my Studio, and will continue to paint and teach while I can!
Be well my friends!
July 10, 2020
That is my mission, to bring a sense of calm and reflection to those who seek it. I am painting with more conviction lately, when all seems chaotic I return to my Studio again and again looking for that scene that centers me.
As artists try to find their way in this time of economic upheaval, we look toward what we do best, and for me it is the landscape. I am never without a way to capture my surroundings, should something catch my eye.
I hope you are doing well, and thank you for looking at my website. Please reach out and contact me for any special place you would like me to paint for you,I love commissions.
Until we meet again,
June 17, 2020
Since my last blog, our little island has been on a roller coaster of emotions.We love the lack of crowds and being able to enjoy our favorite places, but most of us rely on visitors for our livelihoods.
I am still in my Studio, even though the gallery space is dark, I'm in the back making art. My incentive in keeping it dark is just saving on my electric bill, as it is so hot in Waimea.
I have a sign posted with my contact info and all you have to do is call or text me and I will come out and let you in!
I just sent out my newsletter, so if you would like to be on the list please contact me.
Please keep the faith,and stay well,
May 04, 2020
The world is changing daily, and everyone is feeling the pressure. I paint to keep my sanity, so I've been producing smaller oils, and also doing a fair share of plein air pastels.
Whether or not I can hold on to my storefront is still in question, but I have my website, and I can ship, so I will continue to sell my art, and show my latest work, here and on social media. I post new paintings through Instagram, which I have connected to Facebook. You can find me through this site on those platforms or go directly to helenturnerfinearts on Instagram or just search Helen Turner and I should come up,(plus a few other helens).
Thank you for all your love and support and keep positive,trust in God and don't give up!
April 08, 2020
I placed second in the Pastel Artists of Hawaii 17th annual Show, judged by Dawn Emerson. The pastel End of Day took the honors.
All events are cancelled but that does not stop me from painting, so find me on Instagram,@helenturnerfinearts for plein air and studio works, and if there is a painting you would like to have me ship, just contact me.
In the mean time, be safe, stay active, don't fear and hold on.
March 24, 2020
This has been a most unusual month starting out wonderfully with lots of sales, paintings going out to new homes and fun events coming up, and then the pandemic caught up with us. Kauai, at this moment has only three cases of Covid-19, so our Mayor has put restrictions on incoming everything, we are on a curfew and my visitors are urged to stay home and not come to the islands.
My Studio had some flooding issues during a recent Kona storm front to add to my woes, it is dry enough now and I'm trying to hold onto my place with no customers and rent to pay.
I've been painting lots of smaller oils for sale, and I'm still shipping for those who need something tropical to look at in quarantine.
All my shows are online except for the Kukui Grove Show which will extend for another month.
Contact me for future vacation plein air lesson info or if you'd like to purchase an original painting.
Most of all, have faith this will pass, and make us smarter, and healthier.
February 15, 2020
I will be posting new shows shortly, I can't believe how quickly they come up and I'm painting as fast as I can, well not really, still loving every moment I spend in my Studio.
I have some great new locations to plein air paint, and have been taking out visitors and locals to experience the joy and challenge of painting in the field.
This week starts Waimea Town Celebration, and I will be here enjoying all the fun, rodeos, beer gardens, film festival, canoe races, it's a real party!
If you plan on coming to Waimea, please email me or text me, and I will be here.
January 20, 2020
The joy of having my own Studio and Gallery is growing on me here in our dusty little town.I can paint to my hearts content, with an oil on one easel and a pastel on another. The economic climate is a bit scary but I am teaching and finding ways to keep busy.
My prices here are very reasonable so at this point I just need customers to find me. My mantra is paint it and they will come. I believe God wants me to share my gift with those who find me, and that keeps me going.
Meanwhile,for those of you on the continent, I do ship!
I would recommend a winter getaway to a nice warm island though...
December 16, 2019
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you lovely patrons and friends. I've been working on all sorts of new projects for the Studio, plus getting some plein air painting in also.
My first retail enterprise is a learning curve but I'm learning customers love the little portable oils the most.I have several plein air classes available and thinking about a night class once the winter weather gets here, if ever.
Please come by and have a look at the new location, my prices are enticing and each little painting is a real slice of Kauai landscape.
November 10, 2019
The Grand Opening is set for November 23, 5-8pm, but I had to turn my sign around sooner then that, because it's a studio and I'm in here, painting away.
I've had some wonderful results from my juried shows this year.
This week the Pastel Artists of Hawaii hosted the annual show in Oahu and I was awarded Second Place for my pastel "Teal Cottage".
The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts purchased my painting,"Sunday Afternoon", another pastel from my west side painting inspirations.
Please come and visit me in my new location, 9665 Kaumuali'i Hwy, Waimea. I'm there quite a lot, even if not the normal hours, but they are 10-2 weekdays.I can open up for special showings, and plan on having classes in here regularly.
October 13, 2019
Settling into painting life and soon to come, retail life on Waimea main street!
My new studio will be open to the public shortly, but I'm here trying to tie up loose ends and figure out how to display art with what I've got.
I have prints and note cards and small oil paintings for sale, plus my larger paintings. I've been itching to start work on some bigger oils and have a few ideas.
Come visit "Helen Turners Studio" 9664 Kaumuali'i Hwy, opening soon!!
October 04, 2019
I wanted to update my status with the two juried shows going on right now.
My pastel "Sunday Afternoon" was awarded a "Purchase Award" from the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts! This means that the State of Hawaii will buy this pastel for it's private collection that is part of their travel exhibits,"Art in Public Places".
The Pastel Artists of Hawaii just finished the judging and all three of my pastels were accepted, now to wait for the judge, Stan Sperlak to make the Award choices.
I am anxious to get my studio open to the public, but it will have to wait, I'm home with my Father in New York now. Prayers are welcome for my Mom and Dad!
August 26, 2019
I will be gone for the month of September, having some fun with my family and plein air painting with my good friend, Emily Miller. The shop will be closed to purchases but inquiries are always answered! I intend to be painting the entire time so look for some different seascapes coming up, maybe an Oregon waterfall or two.
Art Kauai is on this year again, while I'm away, but that won't stop me from entering some of my pastels, wish me luck!
My studio is taking shape and will be open by mid October, with all sizes of original paintings plus prints. Grand opening will be announced when all my ducks are in a row.
Have a great end of summer, and be well.
July 15, 2019
I have been setting up my new working studio on Waimea Main Street for the last few weeks. The address is 9665 Kaumualii Hwy, and I am solving problems that come with moving into a location that has not been used for awhile. The air conditioning is finally working and the next issue will be removing the tint from the front window. I have all my paintings in there, unframed pastels also, and we are thinking up ideas for the space, possibly a jazz night with art once a month, maybe a life drawing class..
If you are coming to Kauai, please contact me, and come see my new space, it will be a fun visit!
I will be on the mainland from August 28-October 1 doing some plein air traveling and family adventures, but I am available by email anytime.
May 26, 2019
I will be in New York next week, but then home to Kauai for the heart of the heat. The reason, besides my old dog, is to set up my new studio on Waimea Main Street! I will be painting in air conditioned splendor! Stay tuned for the grand opening, but for now I'll just be getting used to the light inside and doing what needs doing in an old building.It will be called "Helen Turner Fine Arts-Studio" I am a very happy Lady!!
When on Kauai, please come say hello!!
March 27, 2019
All the painting I've been doing lately has been paying off in subtle ways. I just found out my painting "Lanai" was selected for the Pastels USA National Show. This is the 33rd year of this excellent exhibit, and my third time being selected. If you get a chance to see it, you will be in for a treat!
The Haggin Museum in Stockton, CA is the venue. The show opens May 16, and runs through July 14.
In other news, I won an Honorable Mention for my pastel "After Sunset" at the recent Kauai Society of Artists Members Show.
February 23, 2019
I have been doing quite a few small pastels of the resort cottages where I live and decided to enter one in the Pastel Society of the West Coast members show. This show is judged by well known pastel artists and my entry of "Yellow Cottage" (cottage and heliotrope tree) was selected!
Find the online show under pswc.com
February 02, 2019
Moving to the west side of Kauai has been quite a different experience. I have been painting quite a lot in the last four months, so much that I have neglected to get out my Holiday newsletter. One is coming I promise.
I am going to be selling prints and note cards of my west side paintings in the Gift Shop at Waimea Plantation Cottages. I am coming out with a new set for those visitors who love the little houses and the glorious light of area.I am
also back to doing some studio work in pastel, and more commissions.
Write me if you would like a plein air lesson on the west side, I will teach from Poipu to Waimea, and maybe even the Canyon if you really want a challenge.
November 24, 2018
Almost 2019 and happily painting away in my new residence in Waimea, I am ready for the upcoming year! This one has been full of changes, leaving my big beautiful house for a smaller one, reducing my studio and finding new inspiration. I started several series, not meaning to, but attracted to certain subject matter. The ocean in my front yard and all the moods of it with the ever changing weather patterns.I am in love with the little plantation cottages, one of which I live in! The paintings I have been doing are smaller due to where i paint, but a few larger canvas beckon from my storage! Not much teaching but good sales and some special book projects!
I hope to see you if you come to Kauai!!
July 06, 2018
It has been a change moving from east to west here on Kauai, and mainly for the better. I was afraid my muse would not be able to find me, but she did, and I have been painting seascapes for the last month.
It has been incredibly hot, and I have not been in the mood for plein air...yet, it will come.
I am still teaching when a student wants to make the drive to Waimea, but not really promoting that until next winter when the temperatures are more suitable for standing and painting.
If you would like to see my new home, write me here and I will arrange a home studio visit!
Keep cool, and be well!
May 14, 2018
I am settled into my new cottage now, and ready to paint! The first one is always a test, to see how the light works, how hot it gets, and if my muse will stick by me, regardless of my new surroundings!
I am also prepared to teach here, and all my vantage points here are wonderful, quaint little cottages, palm trees, kiawe trees and black sand beaches, all within walking distance.
Easyliving Jazz is still performing on Wednesday nights at the Hukilau Lanai in Kapaa, 6-9pm.
I am also back in my first Gallery on Kauai, Amy Laurens Gallery in Hanapepe! If you are visiting and want to experience Art Night on Fridays, definitely stop by and have a look!
Now back to the easel!!!
March 24, 2018
At the final hour of my departing my beloved little Pacific Island, I found a place to call home!!
I will be living on the west side of Kauai, in Waimea, which offers wonderful plein air opportunities, a laid back lifestyle and most of all a home for my animals and art supplies!!!
I can still teach, but my students will have to drive to me now!
I will be all moved in by the beginning of May, so you can schedule a lesson then!
February 18, 2018
Lots going on for this artist,with packing, painting,and lessons in the middle of it all and the upcoming departure from my beloved studio! I will still be doing newsletters and posting on social media but from all points north and west!I will be turning off my shop until I have access to my work and a new printer, but please contact me for any questions or inquiries! I intend to find a winter rental next November so stay in touch!!!
December 04, 2017
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all art lovers!
This season I am offering HUGE discounts on my art inventory here at my home studio, so if you ever wanted one of my paintings for a gift or for your home please contact me directly at hit2348@gmail.com
I will be moving in early spring, whereabouts unknown for now, but the one thing I know for sure is that I will be making art, wherever I am!
Wishing you all the best for the coming year!
October 05, 2017
I may take a departure from Hawaiian scenes in the next month or so, having loads of reference photos from my trip west.The skies were brilliant blue and the cliffs and formations of the islands were remarkable, and of course that's just what an artist needs to spark the creative juices!
I am at home in Kauai, ready to resume teaching, if any travelers would like to take a lesson "en plein air"and also available for home studio visits! Feel free to contact me through this website!
August 27, 2017
I will be vacationing for the month of September in California, hopefully doing a little plein air painting while enjoying a change of scenery.My shop will be closed until I return, but you can contact me through my site or check my facebook page for field work!
I will keep you posted with competition updates!!
June 28, 2017
This year I will be home for summer, here on Kauai, and looking forward to long days in the studio, or just reading in the shade! I have plans for paintings and am currently planning my next move,hopefully where I can do both things I love, playing music and painting. I adore my patrons who support and keep me inspired to push my artistic limits. Thank you for being an art lover!!
June 16, 2017
Just in case any of you tried to contact me through my site June 6 through June 14, my server was down and I lost all my mail! I'm back and have a back up email now, so please don't hesitate to contact me again.
I've been doing a lot of island exploring and gathering reference material for big oil paintings and medium sized pastels,I can make any custom size painting for commissions!!
It's summer, relax and enjoy!!
April 27, 2017
With the approach of Kauai's summer hurricane season and higher temperatures, I look forward to a mainland trip in the Fall, but meanwhile, there are paintings to paint and island adventures to be had!! I am always gathering reference material for projects, whether I have shows and competitions or not! A weekend trip to the mountains is coming up and also a trip down the Na Pali, so you know I will be doing some more Pali paintings!
As always I look forward to meeting new students in pastel and oil lessons and keeping you updated with instagram photos of plein air adventures.
Get out the electric fans and the ice tea!!
February 16, 2017
Look what's new on my website! I now have an abstract category, something I have been thinking about for awhile now. Over the years,I have done about a dozen free pastels, that allow me to make marks and use color with no boundaries, and until now was hesitant to share them. My pastels are available for giclee prints, but otherwise unframed. Stand by for more as I prepare them for viewing!!The hardest part is photographing them!!
January 14, 2017
Even though our Hawaiian weather is beautiful, this is my best time to produce some studio paintings. I have been working on several series- waves in motion, and fog in trees!! Yes, I am full of visual ideas this year, 2017!!
The need to paint large is coming on too, so I have a few big oils I will be working on, as well as my bigger pastels...I have the materials so why not get to it!
If you are visiting, please contact me for a studio visit, I love to share my vision. You can also take an oil or pastel "en plein air" or a studio lesson.
Life is short so while we have the time and health, let's fill it with color and laughter!
December 06, 2016
What a year!! Lots of traveling and painting, both in the field and the studio! I am truly blessed with friends and family and my clients , who keep me from being buried alive in art!
I am hoping to stay on Kauai and paint because this is my island muse, but I am also open to new adventures. Recently, I started up my newsletter again, and I promise to make it a habit, sending out a sampling of studio works that are fresh off the easel.
Here's to a year of art and beauty, love and kindness!
October 03, 2016
What an awesome summer and fall I've had traveling coast to coast!! I can't wait to start posting the new works I'll be starting on, although I am getting ahead of myself here. Part of being a landscape painter is gathering material for new studio work, and I have quite a few ideas for oils and pastels!! New York dunes in mellow afternoon light,outrageous Oregon rocky coastlines and haunting Channel Island sunsets....Please contact me if you have a special request for a Christmas present, so I can set time aside for priority painting!!
Meanwhile, I'm back to teaching, and everything I love on Kauai!!!!
August 03, 2016
Writing from the Lee Star on the west coast!! Missing my tropical island but not the humidity and hurricanes this summer. I am having fun reuniting with family and friends, and getting some different land and seascapes to enjoy and occasionally paint. I will be back on island in October for Art Kauai, our island juried show, and to teach plein air in pastel.I will have lots of reference material from my Channel Islands trips, and from my Oregon coast plein air trip, so don't be surprised to see some non Kauaian paintings come fall!!
Have a wonderful summer! Write me anytime!
June 20, 2016
Here it is, at least for the folks on the continent, but it's always partly here for those of us in Hawaii! I will be on the continent for eight whole weeks of painting, and family and exploring and renewing friendships...can't wait!!!
I will be shutting down my printing operations while I'm away, and also not teaching until October, but you can contact me through my website anytime!!! My leaving date is July 26, so contact me before that if you would like a print or an original painting!!!
Enjoy the sun!!!
March 18, 2016
There is so much chaos and confusion going on these days in the world, and of course, I couldn't escape it forever on my round green island. I will be leaving my beloved studio this summer, and will be on the mainland, hopefully painting at various locations!! That means I will be storing my paintings, and not doing lessons for the summer months. I hope to be back by October. If there is a painting you would like, please contact me before June so I can get it to you, before they are packed away!!
January 12, 2016
I am so looking forward to the future, new works, friends, opportunities!! Keeping this mindset takes practice, constantly pulling away from the tried and true, the comfortable, the known.
I have some beautiful new oils to upload soon, my "Aquaria" series, and can't wait to tackle some new pastels!! There will be my life drawing class and still life club and of course my one on one lessons, but my own work will be the new years' challenge!!Here's to my patrons and students, who make my life wonderful as an artist!!!
December 09, 2015
Merry Christmas to all and a Mele Kalikimaka too!
I have been busy shipping prints and original paintings around the country, so I know it's the season of giving beauty and warm memories of good times and places!Throw in some Holiday jazz concerts with ELJ, my duet, and a few fundraisers, and you have the month of December! My sons come to spend a warm Christmas and I can't wait to spoil them rotten with baked goodies and italian feasts, in between sunny beach walks and hikes in the woods.I just want to say to you readers, be the light of joy and goodness wherever you are, despite the troubles of this world!Christmas is love, and giving without looking for a return!
November 20, 2015
Here on Kauai, we are giving thanks for not being hit by any of the ten hurricanes this season! They buzzed by us on either side by we were spared! We also love our island life, and the beauty of the tropics and that is why I paint this landscape, as often as I can!
I have been busy teaching both private and group lessons, meeting new artist friends and growing in different directions.I have been doing a still life group at my home, and hosting a life drawing class at our Kauai Society of Artists at our exhibition space in Lihue, lots of fun and quite a challenge to get outside your comfortable place and paint from life with objects or figures!
Print sales are up as the season of giving is upon us, so don't hesitate to contact me for a quote or recommendations!
Blurb, the company I use to make my art books, are offering free shipping within the continental U.S.,they make a beautiful remembrance of Kauai..use the code "FREESHIP2015
Have a wonderful Holiday with family and friends, and thank you for being part of my art journey!
September 19, 2015
This year I decided to skip the jury shows off-island in favor of my local art society, which is becoming more and more sought after by collectors and art lovers who travel to Hawaii.
Art Kauai is our only show juried by an accomplished artist and curator and visited by the State Foundation on Art and Culture, which procures work for it's Art in Public Places program.Normally I am happy to be juried into the show with one or two pieces, but this year I was lucky enough to get two pastels and one oil in. I received the Board of Directors award for my oil "Kauaian Waters" and the State Foundation gave me a purchase award for my pastel "Sandy Path".
A wonderful finish to my competition season!!!
August 20, 2015
Just because I haven't posted, doesn't mean I haven't been painting!! Actually I've been very prolific this summer. Since I've been home from the mainland,I've had canvas and paper on the easel everyday...well nearly.
My trip was a blast, I was able to plein air paint on both coasts and took home some interesting photographs to work on over the winter.I melted a computer and am now catching up with posting , so look every now and then for new works!!
p.s. The hard cover book "Aloha Expressionism" is finally here! I will post a link in the future!
June 18, 2015
I am headed for the mainland for a three week, family vacation on June 20, so if you write me and I don't get back to you, I'm out of WIFI reach!! Planning on painting on my oil thumbox, maybe a few pastels, but mostly catch up with my distant loved ones I've been missing!! I'll be back July 15,ready for playing at the Hukilau Lanai, and pastel lessons and even a wedding!!
Enjoy the summer!!
June 03, 2015
I was chosen to be a featured artist on Artsy Shark, an online artist website which finds and promotes artists all over the country! Just thought I would share that!!!
May 20, 2015
I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by, almost summer and I'm gearing up for a trip to the Mainland in a few weeks. This is the heart of plein air season, both my pastels and oils are getting a good workout! I've been teaching a lot of new students,some returnees, and some who want lessons in both mediums, oil and pastel!! It keeps me busy. I've taken the year off from competition to work on my oil paintings, as they take longer to complete, and I need to relax and let my creativity rejuvenate!!
I'll be back on Kauai July 15 for lessons and studio visits if you are coming to my island this summer!
Take care and get out there in the fresh air!!
April 03, 2015
Easter weekend, and all is right with the world! I wanted to post my latest oil painting of the Mahaulepu Coast for your viewing pleasure, as it is a happy, sunny painting, full of promise, walking on a glorious sandy beach in the sunshine.
I have been pushing myself on doing large scale oils and have two more on their way to completion. I will be teaching a Life Drawing class locally on Kauai for a six week session, starting April 13, and am busy teaching plein air pastel lessons when the weather permits!! I've had the pleasure of meeting some of my mainland collectors in person this winter season and hope to entertain more in the coming months. I will be traveling mid June to mid July, but will also be painting while I'm away. I just can't help myself, there is always something interesting to capture!! May the Lord bless and keep you all healthy and happy!!
January 22, 2015
Just when it seems like things might calm down a little, I take on more projects and get busy again!! I like it like that though,it keeps me from getting stuck in a rut, or too relaxed about art making!!! Emily Miller and I are currently working on a book project that she will use as a college project and also as a collaborative effort for a Kauai publication! I am also in a new book called "Aloha Expressionism" due out next year,featuring a number of talented Hawaii based artisans. Meanwhile, I am busier then ever teaching my one on one plein air lessons in both oil and pastel, and doing occasional Rotary charity events!
I look forward to more challenging commissions, traveling and painting, and being amazed at the beauty around me!
November 18, 2014
I'm already thinking about what I will tackle in 2015! This has been quite a year for me, in sales and commissions and lessons! I thank GOD for all these blessings and all the wonderful new friends I've made! I am on the lookout for a new project for the winter months of heavy rains, so please feel free to contact me with your requests!
May your Thanksgiving be warm and filled with friends and family, and your travels delightful!!!
September 30, 2014
Just a brief note to say my pastel "Sugar Free" was awarded the top cash prize at this year's Juried Art Kauai Show!!The show was also reviewed in The Star Advertiser on Sunday , September 28th, with a photo of my painting, a nice birthday present for me! Meanwhile, work on the big oil is progressing nicely, returning students are scheduling lessons, and my proverbial plate is full!!!
September 11, 2014
I find myself busier then ever these days, with the absence of my sons, I was sure to be sad and bored, instead I find myself with a grand project underway! It has been awhile since I have worked on a canvas this big, but my client, bless her heart, had a size in mind to fit her living space, and I couldn't say no to a lovely beach in oil!! I will post the final outcome!! I also have lots of charity based functions this fall with the Women Artists of Kauai and returning plein air students. I declined to enter PAH this year, as my work has grown larger then will fit in a mailing box for competition, so you can see my competition pastel locally this year in Art Kauai.
I am really liking big oil canvas's, so anyone who wants a spectacular Kauai scene in their home, drop me a line!!!
Sincerely, with Aloha,
July 12, 2014
With so many changes happening around me, people coming and going in and out of my life, it is clear that my painting must go through a period of growth that reflects these developments. My best friend and painting partner is off to school, leaving me with our joint book project to complete, and also the impetus to try some new pastel directions! I had a dream with colors, and usually I don't take heed of that sort of subconscious streaming, but it stayed with me. I am currently awaiting a new shipment of paper to begin my experiments!!! Don't worry, I am an impressionist by nature, so whatever I paint, it will be rooted in natures' beauty.
Meanwhile, I am also waiting to see if I made it into the annual Pastels USA show!! I'll keep you posted! I just finished a new book, which will be in my Blurb bookstore, and I am seriously considering working with printing my images on clothing! I have a new online family too, Tiffanys' Art Agency is representing my pastels in her online web gallery, and she is also producing a book on Hawaii's creative life, which I will be a part of. So you see, I've been busy, artists can no longer stay inside and paint, we have to keep exploring the possibilities!!
April 27, 2014
With all the crazy happenings this year, I thought I would expand my horizons a bit, and begin offering "Plein Air Retreats" here on Kauai! This would be for the solo traveler or possibly two, who would like to go out painting in a new location with a guide, with all the comforts of being at a friends' house! Please inquire for more information!!
March 17, 2014
Soon, I will be adding more ways to own original art to my website!I've been getting involved in giclee making companies that are becoming more reasonable for print on demand buyers! I will be offering my images on wraparound canvas giclees as well as paper giclees! Write me if you are interested, as I haven't changed my shop page yet!!
I am also offering oil plein air classes, similar to my pastel classes, one on one! The latest addition to my teaching page will be group classes at my home for beginners in pastel, working from life and photos, and also an "intro to plein air" in my spacious yard! (dog cookies are a prerequesit!)
Think Spring!
February 23, 2014
Whether you are watching the snowflakes fall or the rain, winter is hanging on this year and we're tired of it!!! I have been itching to get back to plein air painting for myself, in between lessons with students.I am writing this now because I am at an impasse....what to paint next, what project to start,paperwork? housework?(sigh, the constant),blogging? My recommendation to you is is spring into action, do something!! Don't just sit there,get going!!!That's what makes this world go round ya know, action, and of course love, kindness, forgiveness, peace!!
Spring will come if you start first!!!
(yes, I'm going up to the studio right NOW!)
January 04, 2014
With the new year comes changes and decisions,one of those being, what shall I paint now? I've decided to start approaching my art with a new attitude, a fearless, why not approach! Currently I am working on a large oil of Kauai's beloved Waimea Canyon, a virtual kaleidescope of colors and shadows, one of my favorite places and my plein air nightmares!!!So I thought I would take my time, and embrace the neverending canyons and ridges with love!!! Of course right now I am taking a break from the canvas doing this, as I am having a color overload and need to rest my eyes from the palette!Hopefully, I will have it done in time for our P.O.W. Show at Kukui Grove on Jan. 20, and someone will fall in love with it and take it home!!! Hope to see you at the reception, on that Monday, from 5-7pm, with Jeff and I(Easyliving Jazz) playing some jazz to celebrate with my good friends, the Inches and Emily Miller!
Enjoy your new resolutions, push your limits, and go big!!!
December 04, 2013
Merry Christmas to all you lovely cyber friends!!! This is the season of appreciation, love, giving and hope!I am pleased to be among those sharing their gifts through charity events and spreading aloha, one beautiful work at a time!Thank you for taking the time to contact me, buying my originals and prints and taking my lessons!I wish you all love, peace and prosperity for the coming year!!
November 03, 2013
It seems to me, days are getting shorter, and my time to paint also! Of course the seasons change here in Hawaii but they really sneak up on you! I have had so many changes happen, but somehow I am still able to keep it together as long as I am painting!!I have been plein air oil painting alot lately and almost ready to teach my method, which is quicker and easier,I have been teaching pastel classes when not feeling like mixing, and keeping some time for studio work also.I will be on island afterall for the Holidays, so I will be participating in WAK events and selling my art to Christmas shoppers! If you see something you like, write me!!
October 06, 2013
With this Fall comes many changes, boys off to College, lots of new ventures, and more time to fine tune my craft!I just realized I hadn't put any oil paintings on my site in awhile and the ones shown will be replaced shortly with some new ones! I have lots of pastels out there right now in juried show, and hope to do some big pieces once I am settled into my new life!
This December I will be on the mainland from the 15-Jan 2, so if you would like a commissioned pastel/oil or prints and cards, please order early!!
August 11, 2013
So much going on this year, but still I find the time to paint, maybe it's my obsession, or maybe it's my release! The endless beauty that is my island home keeps me centered and brings me again to the easel to capture a quiet moment for those who surround themselves with beauty and reflection.
I've been teaching, getting my work into new venues, and possibly finding new ways to keep art in my life and move forward!There are shows coming up, and all sorts of changes just around the corner! I have been sadly remiss in not getting my newsletter out, coming soon!!
Mostly I wanted to say, enjoy our beautiful islands, all of them, mainland and across the oceans, get out and explore! I love summer, and I hope you do too!
June 03, 2013
That's right, bring on the summer heat!! I've got all the windows open and my oils are in full production mode!!!Time for plein air mania in both mediums too! I have been meaning to get an online auction started for selling some of my works so stay tuned, also having a rack card made for my lessons, which are a blast! Come and experience pure outdoor creativity, in a one-on-one setting!
If you see something on my site you love, inquire!!! My aim is to put my art and those who love the tranquil beauty of Kauai together!
February 09, 2013
Kauai has been enjoying some beautiful weather while the rest of the USA is freezing and stormy.I have been taking advantage of it to plein air pastel and teach a few lessons in the field! My latest love has been clouds, as you can guess, those fluffy, foreboding shadow makers that make the islands so lush and green!
I am hoping to place these pastels in a few shows this year!!Well, it's a gorgeous day, I'm off to embrace it!!!
January 04, 2013
Now is the time to start afresh with new works, try some new techniques and challenge the old ways of thinking!I have a stockpile of stretched canvas and some large pastel papers awaiting my internal muse, she has had the flu so she's a little slow getting started...
I have a new device to assist me in my commission work that will help with the detail work, which sometimes can be frustrating, so I'm ready to go!
I look forward to another plein air season teaching and painting, sharing the love of outdoor creativity with visitors to Kauai.Please contact me if you come to my sunny island and we can go out painting, or maybe a studio visit! I'm anticipating an active year!!
November 30, 2012
Blurb books, whom I use to make my little gems, is having a promotion for Christmas, type "GIVE10" in promotional code at checkout, and get 10.00 off any of my books, listed in authors bookstore!!
November 25, 2012
I can't believe how fast this year is going!I am reeling with the thought of my usual Christmas traditions, shopping, shows, not to mention family and friends!
I have pastels in several shows and plan on doing at least one more WAK event at the NTBG Gardens(will post soon!) and then I've neglected getting out my newsletter!! (this week, I promise!)I've been painting oils, which take longer, so I haven't posted any studio pieces, but the plein air season has been glorious! Lots of lessons, and discovering new spots to paint!Check out the newest plein aires!!
It's not too late for some shopping on my shop page, prints and cards make wonderful, original gifts, and then there are art books available through my link to Blurb! Have a stress free Christmas!!!
October 15, 2012
A wonderful trip, but now I'm back and ready to work! I have some reference materials from the west coast, and a score of plein air pastels to work with, so stay tuned for some mainland vistas!Please feel free to contact me with your own reference materials, as I love a beautiful landscape, no matter what the continent!!
I'll be sending out my fall newsletter soon so any interested art lovers please contact me to be included. Enjoy the crisp weather!
August 02, 2012
With the summer months comes the plein air season, jury shows and new friends and galleries!I will have the pleasure of showing my paintings in a adorable Gallery called AlleyCat Art in Kapaa for a solo show for September and October! I will post more info in Events soon! September also brings an adventure on the west coast! I'll be exploring the Pacific coast with my good painting buddy, and then up to Tahoe and points beyond!I am hoping to locate a venue for my mainland landscapes that can keep me in airfare and art supplies!! Meanwhile I've been taking pastel students out around the island, it's always an adventure. We have alot of fun getting messy and seeing light! Write me if you come to Kauai, my studio is open to pastel(oil) lovers, or if you're interested in trying out a medium while on vacation! Enjoy the sun!
June 28, 2012
Time flies when you're doing something you love, and in my case, it has been a crazy, fast year!I've always believed the more you paint the better you get, and I hope that's true, as I've been at the easel for months it seems! This summer will be spent attending some art functions, the Art Wine event at the Kauai Beach Resort, friday nights in our quaint Hanapepe playing jazz with Easy Living Jazz...and painting under the sun!! I'll be teaching a few lessons also! Enjoy the season!!
June 07, 2012
Well, as promised, the new categories are up, and I'm geared up for summer! Having recently completed the Tahoe series,I am now enjoying my pastels, working on competition pieces for the fall.I have been painting in oil with my new thumb box under shade umbrellas around the island,getting fun sized sketches of summer landscapes.If you are on island, please contact me for a studio visit, it's a riot of color and mediums up here!
Get outside and enjoy the weather!!
May 18, 2012
I'll be adding an oil category to my website, and also a short film!! My penchant for oils is getting ridiculous, as I have purchased a thumb box to do oil sketches in the field! Ask any artist about their art obsessions and you'll find out how hard it is to resist a jewelry-sized box for painting little gems! I have been neglecting my studio work in pastel, but doing more plein air pastels then ever to keep me balanced! I'll be at the Botanical Gardens again this sunday for an open garden event.The Tahoe series is finished and my show catalogs are being printed so anyone interested in these paintings please contact me!! I'll be shipping them off to California(location TBA) the end of August and will ship separately, any sold pieces directly to the buyers in advance of the show, so contact me for more information. For now, I'm searching for challenging pastel work and looking forward to a great summer!!
Aloha, Helen
May 01, 2012
I am almost done with my Tahoe Series,except for the signing and various odds and ends that will go into the final stages of this endeavor. I am weary of oil painting and ready to get dusty again! Bring on the sticks!!I've been collecting ref. material and now will have to decide which way to go,I've got some lovely reflecting pools, wild water,sun soaked beaches, red dirt battered plantation houses..hmmm decisions..
I do have a new gallery to promote in Hanapepe called Puuwai HaoKila run by Veronica, a very spirited Lady who makes and designs mouthwatering jewelry too!I will be uploading a very short documentary done by my son Joe for a college class, featuring moi..(I'm thinner in person, really!!)
And that's the news!! more exhibitions are coming up, I'll post anything newsworthy!!
March 18, 2012
After our heavy rains, spring is finally here! I've been doing lots of plein air pastel painting, and enjoying our Kauaian sunshine!The Tahoe series is almost completed, the bad weather helped actually, because I was trapped inside,with the thunder and lightening booming, and me at my easel!!
There are all kinds of membership shows going on, our island KSA show, and a few others around the state, waiting to hear on the west coast show. Meanwhile, getting material together for next fall's competitions! Still teaching, so anyone who'd like to have a plein air session please contact me, and we'll brave the sunshine and make some art!!
January 08, 2012
Happy New Year to all my patrons and friends! This will be a good year for tackling new challenges, and pushing the limits of my capabilities! I have taken on a project that will definitely test my strengths but I am really looking forward to working on it! Getting back to oil painting, as well as pastel explorations,are my directions for 2012, with a series of large oils and pastels of Lake Tahoe for next summer. I have been doing lots of field work in oil and some studio work and now it's time to find my subjects for next years' pastel competitions.
With all you do in this world, be true to what you do. Explore your vision, this is your gift to give, yourself, through what you do!I'm hoping we all have the best year ever, bringing our best to the light!
November 13, 2011
I just wanted to announce I won First Place for my pastel "Falling Grace" at this year's juried Pastel Artists of Hawaii exhibition on Oahu at Pauahi Tower in Honolulu!When I painted this one I had a feeling it was a special piece, you get that sometimes...
In other news, there are two upcoming public art sales for those of you on Kauai or coming to visit. The 3rd annual Women Artists of Kauai charity fundraiser in Hanapepe on Nov. 26, will be the usual WAK-y women selling their one-of-a-kind original artworks at the Hanapepe Church of Christ on Kuhio Hwy to raise funds for worthy causes! December 1st finds me at the Kauai Beach Resort at an Art and wine tasting Event from 4-7. I'll be bringing out my studio oils for these events so come and check them out, they're pretty little pieces all set to deck your walls!!!Hope to see you there!
September 29, 2011
What a great travel year I've had, well, for me!I just recently returned from an amazing tour of the west coast, just a bit of it actually.Sometimes we artists need to get out there and be amazed by the natural beauty of a new landscape, a different palette of colors, a new perspective!Of course I always travel with my trusty camera and usually my pastels and field gear, much to my traveling partners' dismay, I love to stop and paint!!!
Since this is also the season of juried shows, and the approach of the Christmas season, I have not been doing many studio pastels,but a few commissions,lots of plein air sketches and oils have kept me busy!I try to paint everyday, one medium or another!Contact me for quotes on commission paintings for gifts,if you'd like a studio tour while on Kauai or maybe a pastel lesson in the field or studio!!I'm back and recharged with artistic energy!!
July 02, 2011
I am back from the east coast and am just now putting up a few plein air pastels! I have more, but now that I'm home, my hawaiian landscapes are calling me back! I will be posting all sorts of random scenes in the near future , as I can't be inside when the weather is this nice!!New York was wonderful, and Maine was gorgeous, though overcast and rainy at times. I have a collection of 8x10 plein air oils also, and am wondering if I should post those too? This September I am off to Tahoe for a quick trip so more pines and lakes!!
Meanwhile, in the studio..two shows are coming up, a local Kauai, juried show and a west coast exhibition in Folsum.I will post any new happenings, as they come! If any of you write me and I don't respond, please check your end of the correspondence because I ALWAYS respond! I have been thwarted by one request and I don't want to seem indifferent!!I am always pleased to communicate with anyone who takes the time to write me, from fellow artists to elementary schoolers, not to mention my prospective buyers.
Have a terrific summer!
Aloha, Helen
May 26, 2011
Summer is almost here, and I've never been so ready to do a little traveling!Here on Kauai, we have a saying,"you need to get off the rock," and that is exactly what I'm going to do, cross the Pacific and spend some time on the east coast!Of course I'm taking my painting kits, both oil and pastels, so in the upcoming months I may be posting some un-Hawaiian landscapes.Please "friend" me on Facebook,my place for weekly plein air paintings and a little backstory about my outside adventures!I will be checking my mail while away, so don't hesitate to write!
Aloha, Helen
March 20, 2011
This is the season for membership shows, when all the Societies display the work of their members from the past year. I have two going at the same time, our local Kauai artist group and the Oahu, pastel only group!I have also been spending time working on my plein air oil set-up, and after finally finding the perfect, lightweight, portable box,the wind flipped it and put a big crack in it!! Hopefully my Honey can repair it and I can get back out there soon!Not like I don't have an artillery of easels, you need a few for the serious pursuit of "painting from life"!!The multiple easels also allows me to teach more then one pastel student in the field, and I welcome couples to try plein air together on vacation here on Kauai.
If you're coming to my Island and want to paint, e-mail me and we'll go!!
February 01, 2011
While the rest of the country is digging out of snowdrifts, Hawai'i is being blessed with gorgeous weather! I am doing my best to take advantage of these cerulean blue days to take my painting kit on location.It seems my two mediums are challenging me to bring home these perfect days on paper or canvas! I post my daily adventures on Facebook, so if you look me up, you will see them. The special favorites have been selling fast and the rest I post here on my website.My plein aire classes are booking up for the winter, a one-on-one lesson in the art of painting from nature. Meanwhile, I've been doing large studio pastels, after a year of small works. It feels good to stretch out and really make a mess!!
If you're coming to the islands, please contact me for a studio visit, or a pastel lesson!
Don't forget Valentine's Day, spread some smiles and kisses!
Aloha, Helen
January 15, 2011
I feel the year of the landscape coming on strong!People have been asking for more water, reflections,peaceful scenes of tranquility and I'm listening!There are so many beautiful things to paint here on Kauai so I'm going to be listening to what my inner spirit tells me to put on paper.This is also going to be a year for taking students out into the field to experience painting from life, and taking myself to new places.I'm planning a trip back east in the late spring and am looking for new opportunities to keep me inspired!!
December 14, 2010
I am entering the festive part of Christmas now, baking, and writing cards and wrapping things.It's also time for Winter Art Festivals, Christmas concerts and in between everything, pastel classes!!I've just added a teaching page for travelers to Kauai,who would like to try plein air painting with me.
The printers of my book(see below) are offering a ten dollar discount with the promotional code: CHEER, so check it out! This would be the time to order a perfect "remembrance of Hawaii" present, or maybe a hint for someone who's thinking about visiting!!!
Above all the glitter, enjoy your friends and family and let's pray for peace on earth and good will towards men.... and women!!!!
December 02, 2010
Despite the economic news, Christmas will come anyway, just like the Grinch said!You can choose to celebrate it any way you like, with all the hoopla and tinsel or quietly and warmly.I've been enjoying getting my art out to those who will give it secretly or to those who look forward to receiving it each year!There are lots of ways I do this, through my paintings: I now offer affordable plein air pastels that sell for 195.00,through my laser prints: an 8x10 color laser print, matted of any pastel on my site, and notecard sets: five different sets of eight images each, they can be framed too!!So that's how I help celebrate Christmas!Of course the best gift of all was given already, and that's the true meaning of the Season for me!! God bless you all!
Sincerely, Helen
November 20, 2010
I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is a few days away! Where did the year go?? Maybe I've had my head in the pastel dust and didn't notice. It's time to thank God and all my patrons and friends who have been collecting my works and encouraging me to keep painting and creating!
It's also time to give back to the community through Women Artists of Kauai fundraisers at the Church of Christ and coming up at the Botanical Gardens in Lawai.I'll be sending out another newsletter in December so anyone who would like to be on my list please contact me through my enquiry mail.
I also received third place for "The Cartoonist" in the PAH 7th annual juried show!!!
October 25, 2010
I thought it was time to show off my field paintings on my website and since my classes have given me so much more time out and about, they have gotten better and better(well I think so!)These are my most affordable works and being only 11x14 framed they are easily transported and shipped.Recently I've begun e-mailing a newsletter to friends and collectors about latest news and shows and also to offer specials on various works. If any of you would like to be on my mailing list please contact me through this sites inquiry and I'll add you on!! That way you can receive special pricing and added attentions!!
October 17, 2010
Here we are hurrying through another year and it's already show season!!My work ethic leads me to paint nearly everyday, so getting geared up is not a problem for me,it's the waiting for results!!I just found out I have three pieces in the Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 7th exhibition, so now the reframing and packing off to entry day and then, if the judge, Lorenzo Chavez likes my work enough to award me, I'll be ecstatic!!Also to keep me busy, five artists from Kauai will be having a show at Kukui Grove. I've decided to enter some of my more eclectic pieces in this as it is not juried, and some exhibition work that has not been seen locally. I'll also have a collection of my plein air pastels framed and ready to take home, as these are priced to be a steal!!Wish me luck for the Oahu show, and come and see me at the Mall Nov.1st and the 8th!
Sincerely, Helen
September 04, 2010
I've decided what my main mission will be in life and that is to spread joy and beauty as long as I'm able to create art!! Painting is a gift and a compulsion for me, I produce a lot of art during a typical year, not including commissions, so I was thinking of trying a new approach. If you love it, if it moves you, talk to me and we'll put it on your wall! I am not going to get rich or make headlines, but I want to continue to paint and make people happy.There are some pieces I put aside for shows and galleries but mostly I paint because I need to, it brings me joy.
I've got all kinds of juried shows coming up and hope for the best, I'll keep you posted!!!
August 12, 2010
Summer for me has always been about getting as much beach time as possible! Well this year I've taken a different approach and am trying to get as much painting in as I can manage. My plein aire classes have been tremendous fun and so have my private lessons,it's just a rewarding thing to do, and I always learn as well as teach. Things may be a little unsettled all the way around the world, but as artists, I believe we have to keep painting, sculpting, dancing, playing music, whatever it is that powers us, because that is what life is built upon, our human drives and needs. So enjoy the beach while it's hot and sunny, but bring your sketchbook, camera, beach guitar too!!!
Sincerely, Helen
June 06, 2010
I finally gave in to a request to do a plein aire teaching session with a friend of mine through a local Arts organization here on Kauai, and much to my surprise, I'm loving it! It is summer and those traveling to our lovely Pacific Isle don't want to sit and bask anymore, they want to learn!Painting in the great outdoors is a special sort of mania that has taken over a lot of pastel painters. Easier then an oil set-up, pastelists can be ready in moments and also can move their easels to a new view without worrying about wet paint and solvents! I love oils, but haven't achieved plein aire mobility yet!Lately I've been getting e-mails from individuals wanting to go out or do studio lessons, and I am delighted. Write me and we will set up the times and dates, either I can provide all your materials or can recommend some to buy. This is the time to enjoy the summer and to be painting is the best way of all!!
April 28, 2010
Here comes spring and with it family events, like graduations and reunions, new ventures and expanding horizons! As the weather turns from warm to hot,I tend to paint outside more often and try and catch the tradewinds, especially when painting in oils. I have a nice collection of these miniature landscapes and am finding homes for them at Puka Gallery in Hanapepe and my Etsy shop on-line.If you're on Kauai, you can come visit my studio and see them in person! Somehow oils don't translate as well through a camera as pastels do, but you can touch oils!! I am delighted to be a part of the Pastels USA show this year in Los Gatos. This is a very tough competition and I am proud to be seen with some of the best pastelists in the nation! Have a great spring and embrace your new directions!
Sincerely, Helen
April 12, 2010
It has been a crazy winter and now that spring is upon us, and my computer is back up and running, I can begin to get organized!! There will be two membership shows to be part of, numerous plein air get togethers and graduations, birthdays and painting when ever I can fit it in!! I have a nice collection of oil paintings, my baby oils, and now I'm thinking of going bigger and maybe even take the oils on the road!My latest pastel has exhausted me, I need to do a landscape, and on a lovely outting with my two intrepid painting friends,I found a lovely view I may attempt next, there I've put it in writing!Enjoy the weather,keep in touch and paint on!!
Sincerely, Helen
February 13, 2010
I really love to paint in pastels, but every once in awhile you have to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Recently, while cruising the arts and crafts department of a local store, I came across a huge canvas sale! I couldn't help myself and loaded up on,what I call, manageable sizes.When I lived in New york, MANY moons ago, oils were my medium of choice and I did still lifes and landscapes to my hearts content.I still have my ancient oil box and brushes and the rest just sort of came back to me! It is fun to mix colors and using brushes again.I haven't stopped using pastels, on the contrary, I've started an ambitious series of chinatown scenes, and back to the countryside with my fearless plein air companions! I will be selling my" baby oils" on Kauai and possibly on my etsy shop, check if I've posted them! Meanwhile, Happy Valentine's Day!
Sincerely, Helen
February 03, 2010
Well I do have some news this month!I now have my pastel paintings on the Hamakua Coast of the Big Island in the Clarissa Passos Gallery.A home for my "market people" and still-lifes! If you visit the island of Hawaii, don't miss the prettiest side of the island and stop by and say hello!
Years ago in New York I was an avid oil painter and this past week I dove into the oil box again! It had so much fun mixing paint, I did a few 5x7 seascapes and will be adding more to my collection. I also opened a shop on Etsy which may host those "baby oils".Right now I'mshipping off purchases and looking forward to spring!
Sincerely, Helen
January 19, 2010
Funny how people meet from halfway around the world and find out they share something in common! That's how I met the owner of Aloha Images in Kapa'a. This is a new location for me, after Davisonarts closed, I needed a new eastside gallery and by a chance comment on an internet newspaper story, I found my new home!Visit Ray on mainstreet Kapa'a and check out the eye candy!
Sincerely, Helen
December 30, 2009
Rejoice in the New Year, be merry, be positive, be the best you can be! That's my resolution and I hope you will find that it works for you too! I've had a wonderful year of sales, shows, new friends and experiences and I thank all my patrons and patroness's! Even though I'm without an upcoming event at the moment, I will be on the lookout for an opportunity to spread the gift of color!
December 09, 2009
The company I made my book "Pastels of Kauai", as seen in the badge below, has offered a discount on this hardcover book. To order and receive your ten dollars off, just click on the book and put GREATGIFT in the coupon code!
November 27, 2009
My newest notecard sets available through my website are "People" and "Trees". I don't have a thumbnail image of them posted but I can share with you what I've got in them! "People" are eight of my favorite people in the landscape paintings from Dragon Parade to Love and Fishing.For reference, check out my people category in artwork. Trees is self explanatory and has eight of my favorite tree paintings, it was a year of contemplative trees for me!
I've also got lasers of all my images and some adorable miniature paintings that must be seen!
I'll be at the Hanapepe Church of Christ on Saturday November 28 for a fundraiser for Nana's House with all my paintings, prints and cards. I will also be doing a pastel demonstration at this event and also will be at the National Tropical Botanical Gardens in Lawai on December 19 with the Women Artists of Kauai. Hope to see you there!
Sincerely, Helen
November 17, 2009
With the Holidaus approaching fast, it's time to put things in perspective as an artist, and that's what our little group of Women artists on Kauai are trying to do. WAK is hosting two fundraisers to support some worthy causes here on our own little piece of terra firma called Kauai. The first is in Hanapepe on Nov. 28, where we will be donating part of the proceeds of our fine art sales to a rehabilatation Center in Waimea, and the second is Dec. 19, a fundraiser to support our botanical gardens research center. When we wonder why we paint, and can't seem to find a reason other then because we love it, then it's time to turn it into something good, spread the love, and continue to grow in art,friendship and community awareness!
in other news! "Pier Pleasure 2" won the Juror's Merit Award in the PAH 2009 Show.
November 17, 2009
With the Holidays approaching fast, it's time to put things in perspective as an artist, and that's what our little group of Women artists on Kauai are trying to do. WAK is hosting two fundraisers to support some worthy causes here on our own little piece of terra firma called Kauai. The first is in Hanapepe on Nov. 28, where we will be donating part of the proceeds of our fine art sales to a rehabilatation Center in Waimea, and the second is Dec. 19, a fundraiser to support our botanical gardens research center. When we wonder why we paint, and can't seem to find a reason other then because we love it, then it's time to turn it into something good, spread the love, and continue to grow in art,friendship and community awareness!
In other news, "Pier Pleasure 2" won the Juror's Merit Award in the PAH 2009 Show!
October 15, 2009
How did fall arrive without me noticing it? Well, it helps when you live in Hawaii!With all the bad economic news everywhere and the uncertainty of our world, all we can do is continue to do what we have been doing and hope for the best, with the addition of new ways to attract people to our creations. I've been working on a series of "miniature" paintings of Kauai that are affordable,portable and irresistable! The Women Artists of Kauai will be having several fund raising sales around the island and I'll be there doing some demonstrations and selling my minis,notecards and other pastel paintings. The Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 6th Annual Show is under way also! Wish me luck!!!
Sincerely Helen
September 17, 2009
This is an apology blog! We just realized that our inquiry or contact mail has not been coming through! To anyone who has attempted to contact me about anything, please accept my humble apologies and forgive me. I hope you will try again since I am almost always available via e-mail.
Sincerely, Helen
September 14, 2009
As the days countdown to my reception at the Kauai Museum, I am getting all my loose ends tied up,preparing for my two and a half hours of fame! This is a show of some of my favorite landscapes I've painted and I can't wait to see people's reaction to them. Yes,I like a good "OOOH" or "Ahhhh" as much as the next artist, and after all, a show is for sharing your hardwork and passion.I've restricted my show to 30 pastels, that was a challenge for the Mezzanine Gallery, but they're all little gems and I think they hang quite nicely together.This reception will be a fun, friend-filled event and I hope to make a few new friends too.To anyone who can take a flight to Kauai for my exhibit, the show runs from Sept.24-November 20. For those who'd rather not fly, my book "Pastels of Kauai" has all the show paintings in it plus some others!!
Aloha, Helen
August 19, 2009
Well that's another thing I can cross off my list! I've got my own art book!This was an immensely fun project that I intended to accompany my solo show at the Kauai Museum in September. Alas most of my family is spread over the continental U.S. and won't be able to share a wild night(artist's receptions are fun!)of flowers and food and art lovers, so...I put together a little tour of Kauai via my paintings!I will have the link available to my print on demand publisher if you'd like to preview it, or send to someone who really needs a hawaiian vacation but can't go right now!! Enjoy!
Sincerely, Helen
July 08, 2009
Well, just a short hop, to Oahu, for the invitational show,"The Rhythms of Nature" a plein aire show at the Pauahi Tower in Honolulu.
I think the hardest part about this show was deciding which pieces to enter!I've selected five sketches of my garden isle to represent Kauai, from Waimea to Anini, done in the field.These paintings are each a "one of a kind" in that the weather and light will never be the same from one day to the next.I hope to have some time to paint on Oahu's north shore and of course some free time absorbing a different island and it's beauty, maybe get back to China Town!
Sincerely, Helen
June 21, 2009
I have a new gallery in Hanapepe representing my pastels on Kauai, the Puka Gallery. Located at the very beginning of historic Hanapepe, it's a delightful, spot to find a treasure. Drop by to say hello to Anna,owner of the Puka Gallery and Boutique, and tell her Helen sent you!
Our Women Artists of
Kauai first event at the Botanical Gardens in Poipu was a great success, we all made a few new friends and a lot of tried and true friends came by also.
Right now I'm getting ready for the Pauahi Tower plein aire show and hope I still have some left by July 11. Oh well, I'll just have to go out and paint some more!!
Sincerely, Helen
May 27, 2009
Okay I admit it's a lot easier to paint "en plein air" at the beach because I don't have to set up my french easel! Now that we're experiencing bright spring days, I've been out and about, trying to squeeze in as many quick sketches as I can before school gets out. The more I do it, the more selective I get with my locations and I'm actually lugging out the Julian easel again. It is a wooden monster, with rusted hardware my husband bought me for Mother's Day years ago, and since then I've neglected it for watercolor easels and folding tables, and blankets on the ground!Of course there are places where you need an elevation, and also somewhere to rest your pastels, and carrying a stool and table plus supplies can be exhausting before the sun even starts to cook your brain! Now that sounds extreme, but any dedicated field painter knows about the physicality of outdoor interpretation!! So if you see me out there painting with my wooden julian, stop by and say hello, I might ask you if you have a pair of pliers!
Aloha, Helen
April 05, 2009
Spring is here, I think....and it's time to shake things up! The newly redesigned website is finally up and running!There comes a time when you have to put your best foot forward and march even though the road may be a little rocky, and with my friend Em's expertise, we have come up with something that is practical and lovely.The "shop" page will have my notecard sets, laser and giclee reproductions listed and I may have a few more surprises to add. As far as Easy Living Jazz duet, we have moved to our own web site www.easylivingjazz.com , which is almost ready.The spring juried shows are almost upon us so I will be writing again soon with more news, until then, enjoy the new season!
aloha, Helen
February 27, 2009
What a winter!The weather has been challenging for painting in the field to say the least, but it hasn't stopped me! My friend Em and I perched on the edge of Waimea Canyon for some rainbow quick sketches, and I flew to Oahu to paint on the eastside in between rain squalls and still came home with a few plein air beauties.The trend is set and now I have to show what I've been doing out there!At the end of March, Kauai's Women in Theatre will be doing a play about an artist and they asked me to exhibit my plein air paintings in the lobby of Kauai Community College for the duration of the production.If you're on island the last two weekends of March, come by and see the play and visit me! I'll be there selling paintings, notecards and reproductions.There is also an exhibit in the works for Oahu, of plein air artists from around the state at Pauahi Tower in Honolulu.
Meanwhile, when I can't get away I'm working in my studio getting ready for my solo show in September and the society shows, so much to do!!
Spring is coming!
Sincerely, Helen
December 20, 2008
Aloha all, wishing you a very Merry Christmas(or Mele Kalikimaka)from Kauai! We've been having a little weather, like the whole world it seems, lots of rain and more to come! For some reason that's when I feel like painting hot and sunny beaches! The Kauai Society of Arts Small Works Show is up in Kukui Grove and one of my pastels, "Hanalei Surfer" aka "Thinking Place" won an Honorable Mention.I've been mailing out notecard sets and giclee prints to customers for Christmas presents and my "en plein air" studies have been a popular gift item also.Easy Living Jazz has been putting visitors and locals in the holiday spirit at the Hukilau Lanai on Tuesday nights and will groove into the New Year on the 31st from 6:30 to 9:30. Let's keep positive and hopeful for 2009 and remember art is what keeps us civilized!!!
November 15, 2008
This is really going to be an amazing year for everyone in one way or another! Changes and more changes!I've been having great fun painting people in the landscape, painting "en plein air" and just plain making art! The Pastel Artists of Hawaii awarded me two Honorable Mentions, I was part of a beautiful juried West Coast Pastelists Show and our own island's Art Kauai.The Small Works Show with the Kauai society of the Arts is coming up on Dec. 13, and I plan on entering my "little people". I also have a new venue for six months at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Kapaa,Kauai, where I'll have a selection of florals and a few landscapes for sale. I have also been selling well in my local galleries and decided to update this website!I'm moving forward to be able to accept on-line payment, and put Easy Living Jazz on a separate URL.For the holidays, there is ELJ's Christmas selections and a new "Lotsa Latin" CD. In the meantime, keep moving forward, do what you love, and trust in God to open the right door!
Sincerely, Helen
September 19, 2008
This fall brings the juried show season, and I'm off to a good start! I have "Oama Fishing" in the West Coast Pastel Society's membership show, juried by George Rivera,and "Out of the Woods" and "Leaves on a Blur Picnic Table" in our Hawaii State show on Kauai. The Pastel Artists of Hawaii's show, juried by Greg Biolchini, hasn't been juried yet, and I'm waiting with anticipation! Meanwhile those collectors of my work have been steadfast in their support, and I'm grateful in these uncertain times. No matter what the future brings, those of us with the drive to create will continue to make art, this is what makes us strong and gives beauty and meaning to the human existance!
Sincerely, Helen
August 12, 2008
When you really need to unwind, go camping! That's my family's new motto! We took our show into the wild, so to speak, and had a few days of peace and togetherness. Of course I brought my camera and pastels and came home with some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets as a bonus!
I've been painting alot to get ready for the upcoming juried shows in the fall, hopefully my new works will be chosen! Take some time to enjoy the season of sun and sand, and if you come to Kauai, look me up for an outdoor painting experience!
Sincerely, Helen
April 26, 2008
It's nice to get away from the daily routine and get back to where you once belonged, as the Beatles used to say! April was beautiful in my old hometown, blue skies and the promise of a long summer. I didn't take my pastels but brought my camera and hope to do a few landscapes to keep me remembering my family and friends from the Atlantic side of the world. Easy Living Jazz has two new CD's for sale. More classic jazz and a mixture of contemporary and mellow latin grooves. We are always adding new music to our repertoire so come hear us live at the Hukilau Lanai in Kapaa.
March 09, 2008
Kauai is warming up for a beautiful spring here on the eastside! I've been out and about with camera and easel, working through the ever changing light conditions of the lengthening days. In exhition news, I have been awarded an Honorable Mention for my pastel "Jumping Off the Pier" at the KSA membership Show which is on display in Kukui Grove until April 18.
From the studio: If you come to Kauai, don't hesitate to call me and set up an appointment for a studio tour or a private lesson!
Sincerely, Helen Turner
February 24, 2008
It's spring on Kauai,the wet weather is leaving us for awhile and letting us come out and play! I've been painting en plein air more and more, roaming far and wide to capture life as it happens! I've really had some fun painting figures lately, I find as long as they don't see me shooting them with my camera, I can catch my fellow islanders being themselves and enjoying our beautiful waters.
In other news, it's another round of national juried shows to enter! I'm going for some big ones, wish me luck! Our local KSA membership show opens March 8, and I have four pastels in the AHA show at the Honolulu Country Club until the 16th of March. Get out and enjoy the sun!
Sincerely, Helen
January 01, 2008
The end of 2007 brought one more honor at the Small Works Show, juried by Pegge Hopper on Kauai. "Chill Coconut Man" won the Potraits of Hawaii Award for the Kauai Society of Artists last show of the season! This was a real surprise and boost for my pastels of "real people" around the islands.This award gives me incentive to keep pushing myself to go beyond the comfort of scenics and into the heart of painting what intrigues me, whether it's a still life,everyday people or this beautiful world we live in!
Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Helen
December 03, 2007
It's time for celebrating everything! Being alive, friends, family,and gifts that bring joy to others are what I have to be thankful for. Yes, I'm enjoying this season of celebration by having a gathering at Roy's Restaurant in Poipu! I thought I'd throw myself a party and give some goodies away and share some great music with old and new friends.Jeff will be playing and then Easy Living Jazz will perform some of our Christmas CD selections. I'm planning on sweetening up the crowd with cookies and cocoa and door prizes of Turner stuff.December 16th is a Sunday, 2-4, please come and celebrate with me!
Sincerely, Helen
September 25, 2007
All kinds of good things keep happening this month! The first was being accepted into a National Pastel Show in New Mexico. All three of the pieces I entered were accepted: " Oama Fishing","Cane Fire in Hanapepe" and "Study in Rust". Now the hard part, shipping and waiting to hear any further news.
On Kauai, our annual Art Kauai had it's juried show and my entry "Retirement" won two awards, an Honorable Mention and the Aquisition Award from the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. This means I will be part of the States permanent collection in Oahu!
I must keep painting now, it's expected of me!!
Sincerely, Helen
August 03, 2007
Aloha! I've got a brand new collection of pastels on exhibit at Roy's Restaurant in Poipu, Kauai!I've got a nice long show from August 5 to January 5, 2008 so if anyone is coming over to visit, please treat yourself to a wonderful meal and gaze! I've got a few figures in this one, and of course our awesome scenery inspires landscapes and seascapes also. I can't help it I must paint!
Sincerely, Helen
June 10, 2007
The Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 4th Annual Juried Show in Honolulu has chosen my pastel "Where the River Meets the Sea" as the Best of Show! I am so proud to have achieved this award for two consecutive years, I am humbled and honored. This pastel was one I had that feeling about,a sense of peace when you finish that makes you believe you are just an instrument of art.
Thanks to all of my collectors and friends who keep me painting daily!
P.S. A special prayer for Greg Biolchini who is recovering from a car accident! We missed you here and hope you're able to come back soon!
Sincerely, Helen
April 18, 2007
Is it spring yet? We're all tired of being sick and ready for plein air paint outs!My latest fixation is doing figures in the landscape, capturing my Kauaian neighbors doing what they do best.It's kind of challenging to stalk around with my camera, trying to be casual and snapping off photos. People view me as just another tourist and that's just fine with me! Sometimes I have to get close enough to ask if it's okay to photograph them and then I've lost the spontaneity, oh well, it's all good!These new pastels might give you a little scale to judge the scenery by. Hope you like my latest works!
Sincerely, Helen
p.s."Study in Rust" got an Honorable Mention in the Kauai Society of Artists Members show
January 10, 2007
February 9-22 are the dates for my solo exhibit of over 37 new pastels at Amy Lauren's Gallery in Hanapepe, Kauai.This show, entitled "When you live on an island...Life's a Beach", celebrates the most beautiful shores on our little Pacific Island from Haena to Polihale. This was great fun to put together, sunset barbeques, early morning rambles and boat trips along the breathtaking Na Pali Coast all contributed to the making of these paintings.I love the sea and I find whether you own a vacation home or live and work here in Hawaii, contemplating an inviting stretch of golden sand can refresh one's spirit!
Jeff and I will play for the reception under the stars on Art Night , the 9th from 6-9! Please come and help me celebrate!
October 30, 2006
One of the most rewarding and heartbreaking of all venues for artists these days are "Juried Shows".In the past three years I have entered a few and experienced these emotions. Rejection, for a pastelist, is always taken personally, as we pour our feelings into every work we submit! This is not a sad blog however, but a joyous one! At the Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 3rd Annual Juried Show, I received the Best of Show Award!!
This is my first entry with this well run organization in Honolulu and the exhibition space is beautiful, in the mezzanine gallery of Pauahi Tower. The juror was Richard McKinley, a nationally known pastelist whose landscapes are breathtaking. I was able to speak with him and his commentary on my painting will lift my spirits for as long as I create art.The painting that received the award was "Spring Floods".
To all my collectors, patrons and friends, I say thank you for believing in my work!
Helen Turner
October 05, 2006
The beautiful golden light of autumn is here, casting those wonderful long shadows over the fields of Kauai! My favorite time to paint landscapes is late afternoon, when it gets cool enough to sit in the sun and paint!
As juried art show season draws to a close, it's time to start preparations for a solo show in Jaunary, and I've got some little gems all ready!
Easy Living Jazz will be bringing out a new compilation CD and then before you know it, time to bust out the Christmas CD !!
Drop me a note to order prints or CD's!
August 19, 2006
Kauai is baking like a piece of microwaved pizza! Of course we have the tradewinds most of the time but if they leave us we're doomed! I've been trying to get out to all corners of the island to shoot the summer blues and greens and taking them into my studio to render. The Turners have been up up and down the rivers too, all the hau trees are in full bloom of yellow hibiscus -like flowers. I'm planning to do some more reflection pastels for an upcoming show. Tis the season for juried art shows too, I'll post any news from those events.
Easy Living Jazz is on vacation, but will be back in September for some fun outdoor events and a special private affair with Chick Corea!!
Meanwhile all this time on my hands, I'm painting away!
July 16, 2006
This spring, the Turner family headed out west for a tour of a few National Parks before the crowds got there.I brought my trusty camera and a plein air set of pastels and had a blast painting on site! I couldn't wait to get home to my studio and do some of those scenics in full color. I've posted some of the Tetons and a few peaceful landscapes of Idaho.
Also the LPG added Polihale to it's list of plein air sites, we came we painted, we swam, we got stuck in the sand...mahalo to Kaui and his guys for helping us out!
April Trip
I wanted to let my visitors know I will be on the mainland from April 2-20 however my Studio will be open if you are on Kauai at that time.
The plein aire sessions have become a great source of comfort just painting whatever catches my eye. At some point I will display all the 6x8 'woods and canyon" oils I have done in the last few years.
Meanwhile the PAH show is in May and I have a few beauties to enter.
See you soon,
Moving Forward
This has been a challenging month for me as my sweet, lovely Mother passed away to take up her residence in Heaven.
My Mom was the one who encouraged my artistic career and delighted in my achievements, and talked me through my tough times.
It was her old oil box that started me painting, with no instruction but a will to try something new.
I will miss her but I know she is still with me.
2025 is Here!
Another year is here for us to make what we will of it, and I intend to spend it creating!
There are all sorts of painting plans ready to be implemented, more challenging compositions and hopefully more trips to paint other landscapes.
Thank you all for your support and patronage,
That Time of Year!
Happy Holidays to you all and a merry 2025!
I am so grateful for my family, friends and to God for my gifts, that I can share with you.
I'll be doing a pastel demonstration at the Grand Hyatt December 6th from 3-8pm, with an assortment of little paintings for sale.I will also be painting at the Shops at Kukuiula on December 18 during the Farmer's Market at Martin and MacArthurs other retail store.
I have some ink and watercolor paintings in the Studio now of the west side of Kauai, my plein aire passion with a new look.
Contact me for painting classes as I am now doing Studio classes with still life or with reference material, a minimum of two people required.
Well back to my easel, be well and take time to enjoy the Season.
Back Home Again
What a month full of new landscapes and adventure I have had. the Pacific Northwest will be our new getaway for the late summer and early fall, as our island gets sleepy and overheated.
I was able to see New Mexico for the first time and was inspired by Georgia OKeefe landscapes. My friends and I painted in watercolors but I long to do some of these vistas in oil or pastel to put on this site.
I am back for teaching, doing demonstrations at the Grand Hyatt in Poipu and gearing up for the holiday season.
Be well and I hope to hear from you or see you on your next trip to the islands,
Time for a Cool Change
We have been sweating it out on Kauai this summer, no rain and extreme drought.We hold our communal breathes when hurricanes buzz by, but wish they would leave some showers behind.
I will be in Washington State for a few weeks then off to New Mexico, painting watercolors with my friends. It will be a nice break from the heat, and then back for the winter traveler season and holidays.
Helen Turner's Studio will be closed 9/9-10/7
Find my paintings at Martin and MacArthurs at the Grand Hyatt and Kukuiula Shops.
See you in October!
Summer is Here!
On Kauai the weather is always mild and yet this winter and spring we had more clouds, rain and wind then normal, so we are all set to enjoy time off with sun, sand and some long explores in the woods.
I have been working on commissions in the Studio and am thankful for the air conditioning.
My hours in Waimea are 10-4pm weekdays, and any time the red windsock is out in front of my door. I check my texts and email often, so if you want to come in while you are visiting the west side, contact me and we can schedule a private visit.
I am doing more plein aire watercolors and hope to have some that are worthy of display at some point, meanwhile, I'm painting daily and looking forward to a painting trip in the Fall. My Studio will be closed for the month of September.
Enjoy the nice weather!
Best of Show!!!
This year has been an amazing art journey for me, with opportunities and blessings coming my way.
I was very surprised to find out my pastel "Shadows in Blue" won Best of Show for this years Pastel Artists of Hawaii juried show. This makes my third year in a row of winning this honor, and I am over the moon.
The show is on display at the Downtown Art Center on Oahu, in case you have a chance to see it in person.
I will be publishing my newsletter next week, so contact me if you would like to be on my mailing list.
In other news, Unison Pastels published my blog on Instagram this morning. I am an associate member and write on various themes, this one is all about pastel sunsets and seascape moods. Look under Unison Pastels on Instagram to find it.
New Galleries!
I have two new galleries to exhibit my pastels and oils on the south side of Kauai in Poipu.
Martin and MacArthur Galleries have contracted me to show my works in the Grand Hyatt and The Shops at Kukuiula. I am very excited to be the only Kauai artist in the Galleries, painting the island as I see it, with a long time residents viewpoint.
Pastel Artists of Hawaii Annual show, Beauty of Pastels is jurying now for an April show at the Downtown Art Center.
Pastel Society of the West Coast is jurying now for the online Members Only Show.
I will post any additional information when i receive it.
Meanwhile, I am still teaching, doing plein air painting and creating work in my Waimea Studio, come and visit!
Moving Forward and Pushing Artistic Limits
2024 will be a year of new explorations for me. Working with watercolor and gouache in the field lately and having fun with it. My latest plein aire oils are experimenting with different subjects from old farm machinery to quick studies of canyon vistas.
New gallery situations on the horizon,( more to come) and that will free me up to travel and paint in new locations.
I am venturing off the beaten path with my outdoor painting, so if you see a gal with an orange cap on the side of the road it could be me!
I'm still teaching so contact me to schedule a day.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
This Holiday season goes so fast, I thought I would say that right up front! I have been a very good girl this year, painting nearly every day inside and outside of the Studio, and I have all sorts of new works to choose from, framed and ready for hanging.
If you are looking for a unique gift for that special someone you can purchase a gift certificate for a pastel or oil "plein aire" lesson. I can teach up to three people at a time providing all the materials.
I also have Cottage Calendars,note card sets and several sizes of prints.
This is also the time of year for commissions so if there is a special scene you would like painted in either oil or pastel contact me.
Meanwhile, enjoy the lights and sounds and friends of the season,
Heading Into the Holidays
The cooler weather is finally here, and perhaps some lovely rain storms to soak the dry west side.
My newsletter is out and I am full of painting ideas for the easel.I have several Kokee projects I would like to paint as well as some north shore scenes I have not started yet.
I am teaching in both mediums, and maybe watercolors one day, as I am having so much fun doing my small set en plein aire.
I am doing live wedding events again so if anyone wants a pastelist on site contact me.
Back to the canvas!
Fall Newsletter Almost Done
Yes, I am procrastinating on getting that done because I wanted to add new work and they are getting sold! That is a good thing! I have not been entering shows but have been painting constantly in all mediums, even watercolor.
I am teaching plein aire painting on a regular basis so if you want to join me, contact me to schedule a day.
You can find my paintings in new venues now thanks to my friends Chad and Anna Ulmer of Hale'lea Galleries in Hanalei and Poipu.
Be well, seize the day, laugh when it's funny!
Time for a Refresh
Here comes fall and I am not quite ready to see the change of seasons, however a little cooler in old Waimea will be refreshing!
I am working on a new series of oils, a little looser then my usual work. I have not had time for a trip but might sneak a getaway to the mountains.I'll be working on my fall newsletter soon but other then painting, my life will be very much the same.
I'm teaching regularly so if you would like to try plein aire painting in oil or pastel contact me to schedule a day.
Life goes On
Here in Kauai, we are stunned over the Maui firestorm tragedy. August is usually watching hurricanes buzz by and holding our breath, but this was something new.
It makes me look at things in a new light, cherishing each day with those you love, and showing kindness to everyone. I find myself constantly painting now, capturing the beauty that surrounds us and trying to push myself in artistic excellence. I am teaching quite a bit of plein aire lessons which takes me outside and I get to know my students while they have fun doing something new.
My website may be evolving soon but with the same address. I am improving my visibility in Waimea, and hope to welcome you into my Studio whenever you're on Kauai.
August is almost here!
I still have two websites to maintain at this point, but the inquiries come to me regardless. My new sign is up on my Studio building, all red heliconia and telling travelers what to find inside.
I have new prints and note cards and more original paintings and am always looking for inspiration.
My plein aire classes are starting to get busy so if you would like to try something new with a one on one teacher, please inquire, and we will schedule a lesson.
New Look Coming Soon!
I am currently in the process of upgrading my website with the help of an incredibly patient professional, so please be patient with me and I apologize if any communications take time for replies.
I hope to reintroduce giclee prints to my shop page at some point but please inquire about them if you are interested.
I am currently working on a two by four foot vertical of Waipoo Falls and have scores of plein aire oils waiting for frames or more attention.
This time of year on Kauai is hiking time and beach time so that's where I am, with a kit of some kind.
Waiting on the Pastel USA 99 Voices show but not showing anywhere currently.
I apologize that my red heliconia sign is not on the outside wall of my building yet, that is coming!
Until then, look for my rainbow windsock!
New Hours
Little by little people are finding me here on the west side of Kauai, so I decided to open on Saturdays. I'll be taking Monday off to plein aire paint but sometimes my son Spenser will be in the Studio working on his projects.
I have some new signage to help people find me on the corner of my building, look for the bright red heliconia flower with ART as you drive through town.
I have so many new paintings I want to do, inspiration from our beautiful island so come and visit me while I work.
Best of Show..Again!!!
I am pleased to announce my pastel in this years Pastel Artists of Hawaii jury show has won top honors! "Camp House Road" was a painting I did in the studio after several plein air excursions to an area being sold and developed, and all the old cottages will be torn down.I wanted to capture a little of the sweet light of the old neighborhood.
I will be sending out my newsletter soon with all the newest paintings plus some on location oils I have in my Studio.
Hoping for a dry and sunny spring and summer, looking forward to many more painting opportunities.
If you would like a giclee of any of my originals write me through my inquiry and I will get back to you with a quote.
Spring is a State of Mind
I keep trying to get some mountain time in but our winter has been windy and wet, nevertheless, I'm trying again in a few days.I have a few pastels in shows or thinking about shipping them, and doing commissions between larger oils.
I have discovered the importance of commissions and how they strengthen my skills and keep me looking forward to the next project so if there is a special image you would like immortalized in oil, contact me.
Waimea is once again a sleepy little town at the gateway to the Canyon, if visiting our fair island stop in and see me! I am in the Studio from 10am to 4pm weekdays and weekends if the weather is wet.
Aloha until we meet again,
The New Year is Here
On an island you crave something different every now and then and the start of a new year makes you examine your motives and habits. I am looking at my painting in a new way and will be trying some new formats and pushing my artistic endeavors. I have some giant canvas waiting for inspiration and some new plein air surfaces to explore.
Meanwhile I hope you will visit me at my Studio in Waimea to see all the works I have that would look beautiful on your wall.
Mele Kaliki Maka little Waimea!
What a year it has been, and more to come! More art, more challenging plein air locations,and bigger canvas! I am loving being here in Waimea and especially now with my new front window.I have been doing all sorts of fun commissions, so keep that in mind if there is something you would like that's precious to you.
Our open house is December 17, 6-8pm at the Studio during the Christmas parade, please come and say hello!
I am still teaching plein air lessons and studio lessons in oil or pastel, so contact me to schedule.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Are You Ready?
This Holiday season is upon us and I have been busy painting commissions from sunsets to families. The Studio is brimming with oils and pastels in all ranges of sizes and prices, there is something for anyone who loves landscapes and Kauai.The 17th of December marks our town Lighted Parade,and Helen Turners Studio will be having a small Christmas party with refreshments and appetizers and some specials on original art so please come by and say hello if you are on island.
I am also gearing up for winter plein air lessons, so contact me in the inquiry, or you can also message me on Instagram, helenturnerfinearts.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas!
Lovely News!
I just found out my pastel "Old Rangers Cabin in Kokee" won First Place in the Second Annual Maui Pastel Show, a blessing to be sure. The Show season is almost over for me with one more pending.
Then comes the Holidays and getting the Studio ready for parades and parties and shoppers.
If you have tried to reach me through this site and I did not respond, we are working on that now, tech problems pop out when you least expect them.
Call or text me directly until we can fix it.
Fall Back into Pastels
Hello my friends,
Back from our west coast trip and as you can see, I did a few pastels of Lake Tahoe and some oils are in the works.
I have been accepted into all my shows and will update you in my newsletter on anything notable.
The Studio is getting a little more attention, and I thank you all for coming in and spending time with me and taking home something original and purely Kauaian.
I will be taking a few days for a birthday Kokee trip, but that is my only guilty pleasure.Contact me for lessons or a special commission for Christmas.
Be well and happy,
September Already?
Greetings Art lovers! I have been painting so many pastels this August, getting ready for a few jury shows, Art Kauai and the Maui Pastel Society. You can see my entries on my home page, as I wait to see what is juried in or out, as the judge sees it.
I will be gone for two weeks and back September nineth. I will bring my small kit of pastels to mess around with while gone and might have some new plein aires of Lake Tahoe to post.
Meanwhile keep sane, enjoy the good weather and love one another.
Summer is Here!
Hello art lovers, thank you for stopping by for a look at my latest paintings.I've been having fun plein air painting and doing commissions in between other small paintings just for fun, I sound a little crazy about painting don't I ?
With all the delays and shortages going on, I decided to cancel my shop page reproductions category. If you have ordered from me before write me and I will see if I can get it done for you.
Meanwhile, I'm selling more original paintings and that is what I would rather do. Don't hesitate to ask prices here on the inquiry email, shipping small paintings is easier then bigger paintings,but we will figure out the best method to get it to your home.
Best of Show!!
I recently was awarded "Best of Show" for my pastel "I Remember You" in this years Beauty of Pastel show for the Pastel Artists of Hawaii annual show. Laura Pollak was this years' judge and I am honored to have received this coveted award!!
I am back on island for the summer and am looking forward to all the projects I have on my to do list, and still teaching outdoor painting. A new addition to my plein air oil classes is thumbox painting.These little hand held easels are fun for quick impressions and easy to take anywhere.
Have a lovely spring, stay safe and enjoy life,
Time to Double down!
With all the current events and the uneasiness in the world, I have found painting daily really helps me control my emotions. I've been doing large scale oils which I enjoy painting immensely. People are starting to find me in Waimea and my client list is growing.
Still teaching plein air and studio lessons, keeps me busy when I'm not out painting with friends.
There are two pastel online shows I'm entering so hopefully I will get in and who knows?
I will be in New York for two weeks in mid May, but back again for the beautiful summer on Kauai.
Please contact me for information on commissions, lessons or shipping something you would like from my website.
Spring is Here!
I have been very busy painting large oils lately, and I think it's because I am doing more plein air work on my thumbox, which holds 6x8 inch panels.
Fortunately my large canvas made it through the shipping nightmare to Kauai, and I couldn't wait to do some large scale Na Pali landscapes.
I will be traveling this spring to the west coast and then on to the east coast. No matter where I am, I bring my gear, so I will share my best plein air works in my newsletter or in the plein air category.
If you are flying into Kauai this spring/summer look for my oil painting of Honopu Valley in the lobby artists display behind glass in the concourse.
Meanwhile,I am back to teaching,and have my Studio open to all visitors who love scenes of remote and peaceful Kauai. Please contact me if you would like a special image painted for your home.
2022 What Will It Bring?
We made it through last year so how will we adapt to the new normal?
I learned an important lesson last year, and that is never take your health for granted.I have my new valve now and I am determined to do as much as I can from now on. Painting is something I love to do, it can never be mastered, every canvas or piece of paper has it's own horizons, mountains to climb, difficulties to overcome.
I still have my wonderful Studio on Main Street in Waimea, and I've filled it with landscapes of Kauai, all little moments of beauty I felt were worthy of capturing. If you travel here, please come and see me, you might find something that you will treasure!
Mele Kalikimaka!
Another Christmas season is upon us, and how lucky we are to be here to enjoy it with our family and friends!
I am still here on Main Street in Waimea, in my wonderful workspace and gallery.I am being "discovered" by travelers with a love for the landscape, and that is my aim.
I have finished my big commission and will be starting another when I get back from a January break.If you have an idea you would like to see in oil or pastel for your home, please call on me.
Meanwhile, embrace the new year with love and compassion,keep in touch and carry on.
Back and Ready for What Comes Next
I have had my heart surgery and am back in the Studio, getting my rhythm adjusted and looking forward to the Holidays.
Although I have not been able to do any plein air lessons for a few weeks, i should be ready to start again in December.Thinking of doing some Canyon lessons,with emphasis on form, fun,and fast.
There is a big canvas on my easel almost ready for the new owners to view it, and I was able to purchase some more big canvas for the winter months, so anyone interested in a commission, please write me.
I will not be guaranteeing any deliveries after December first, Kauai and the west coast are so unpredictable with shipping lately. I will ship with a tracking number and then we cross our fingers and wait.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, I am blessed with friends, patrons and family.
Now to get back to painting!
Back and Ready for What Comes Next
I have had my heart surgery and am back in the Studio, getting my rhythm adjusted and looking forward to the Holidays.
Although I have not been able to do any plein air lessons for a few weeks, I should be ready to start again in December and am thinking of doing some Canyon lessons,with emphasis on form,fun,and fast.
There is a big canvas on my easel almost ready for the new owners to view it, and I was able to purchase some more big canvas for the winter months, so anyone interested in a commission, please write me.
I will not be guaranteeing any deliveries after December first, Kauai and the west coast are so unpredictable with shipping lately. I will ship with a tracking number and then we cross our fingers and wait.
Thank you all for your prayers and good thoughts, I am blessed with friends, patrons and family.
Now to get back to painting!
Fall into Winter
I'm still waiting to receive my new heart valve here on Kauai, well actually it would be done on Oahu. Meanwhile I am lucky enough to have a wonderful place to work in, and so a few large oils will keep me busy. I am back to teaching but very limited class sizes and more studio lessons then plein air.
Helen Turner Studio is getting busier with travelers stopping by and I anticipate a merrier Christmas then last year!
Don't hesitate to contact me for a special piece of art that would make someone happy! I can ship,bigger paintings are a challenge, but it can be done.
Life Interupted
This will be a different sort of news letter for me, as I found out recently I need a new heart valve to keep me alive. We have made the arrangements for the fix, and before that, lots of resting, no summer fun for me..all I can do is sit and PAINT!!
So I am working on lots of small and medium pastels and oils, they keep me preoccupied and happy.
If anyone reading this has a commission they would like for Christmas, now is the time!
I am suspending all lessons until November, unless it's a studio painting session.
Hoping for a swift recovery, and then on to more adventures!
Heat of Summer
Kauai is alive with activity again! I have been so busy teaching and getting supplies back in my Studio that it seems like last year was a dream. The crowds take getting used to again, but we are all managing without too much stress.
Lots of new paintings, and I will be traveling more because I have no reason not to.
September is show season and I will post if I have any news.
Meanwhile, be safe.
No Place Like Home
A saying we have all heard before, but it the nicest feeling to touch down on Kauai. I am home after a month long trip to the east coast where things have been steadily changing since I left almost forty years ago.I took oils and pastels and soon realized I would not be able to get the wet panels between locations easily, so ended up using all the pastel paper I brought along. I spent some quiet moments enjoying working outside under the dogwood tree, and also under a sticky tulip poplar while fending off lady bugs.The company was wonderful but I am ready to resume classes and painting here on the hot west side of Kauai. I am also very sad to say my music partner is leaving the island so no Easyliving Jazz to look forward to.Everything must change, I guess.
Come and see me in Waimea, and learn something new, or take home a piece of the landscape you can have forever.
Gone for June
I will be away from Kauai for the month of June, visiting family in New York. My Studio will be open, so if you would like to come in, please do. The Studio is open weekdays from 10-4pm,with prints,framed and unframed original paintings in both oil and pastel.
I will be back in July to resume classes out in the great outdoors.
New Directions!
I wanted to mention I won third Place at this years Pastel Artists of Hawaii 18th Annual Juried show. My winning pastel is "Calling Elizabeth" a tribute to Elizabeth Mowry, who passed away this year, and whose work in pastel I greatly admired.
I am finding more inspiration in pushing my color boundaries and so look for much more colorful paintings in the near future.
Here comes Spring and then our hot Summer, with restrictions on travel lifted, there will be lots of comings and goings.
My Studio is still open and full of art, come and visit me.
Time to Work
I can now dig in and get painting for awhile. The Holidays are over and it is Show season, so I must bring out all my best images and see what makes magic.
I was lucky this past year with my wonderful clients keeping me open and working.
Head into spring there will be changes but let's hope we can all survive and thrive in 2021.
Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas and Peace for All
This is the time of year for smiles and warm embraces, unexpected meetings of old friends. I want that back, but unfortunately it won't happen this year, so let's make the best of it.
I am still painting and teaching in my Waimea Studio and spending time with my sons, trying to keep things merry and bright!
If you want to surprise someone with an original piece of art, print of gift certificate for an art lesson, I am available to do it.
Visit my Studio if you are able, otherwise I ship and am available for commission work.
Thank you for your support this year, better days are coming.
Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas and Peace for All
This is the time of year for smiles and warm embraces, unexpected meetings of old friends. I want that back, but unfortunately it won't happen this year, so let's make the best of it.
I am still painting and teaching in my Waimea Studio and spending time with my sons, trying to keep things merry and bright!
If you want to surprise someone with an original piece of art, print or gift certificate for an art lesson, I am available to do it.
Visit my Studio if you are able, otherwise I ship and available for commission work.
Thank you for your support this year, better days are coming.
Greetings to all my friends and patrons!I'm still here in my happy place, my Studio in Waimea, hanging in there by the grace of God and wonderful collectors who have been buying my small originals and giving me commissions to paint.
We are now open to visitors in Hawaii, which means our Covid-19 cases are going up, and soon they will either start quarantines or shut us down again.
Fortunately for me, my business is more geared to website viewers then walk in traffic so I am painting consistently and getting your paintings in the mail for those of you who missed a tropical getaway this year and long to see a favorite spot right in your own home to remind you life can be sweet!
What day is it?
Like most people around the world I am always wondering where the time went,what will happen next, and if I'll be ready for the changes that are bound to happen. My response is to keep painting, and be ready.
Thank you to all my patrons who have purchased paintings and prints from me over these last few months! When you can't come to Kauai, I will send it to you in a form that will last through the gray days and storms.
I still have my Studio, and will continue to paint and teach while I can!
Be well my friends!
Creating Peaceful Places
That is my mission, to bring a sense of calm and reflection to those who seek it. I am painting with more conviction lately, when all seems chaotic I return to my Studio again and again looking for that scene that centers me.
As artists try to find their way in this time of economic upheaval, we look toward what we do best, and for me it is the landscape. I am never without a way to capture my surroundings, should something catch my eye.
I hope you are doing well, and thank you for looking at my website. Please reach out and contact me for any special place you would like me to paint for you,I love commissions.
Until we meet again,
Yes, I am Open
Since my last blog, our little island has been on a roller coaster of emotions.We love the lack of crowds and being able to enjoy our favorite places, but most of us rely on visitors for our livelihoods.
I am still in my Studio, even though the gallery space is dark, I'm in the back making art. My incentive in keeping it dark is just saving on my electric bill, as it is so hot in Waimea.
I have a sign posted with my contact info and all you have to do is call or text me and I will come out and let you in!
I just sent out my newsletter, so if you would like to be on the list please contact me.
Please keep the faith,and stay well,
Oh, there you are!
The world is changing daily, and everyone is feeling the pressure. I paint to keep my sanity, so I've been producing smaller oils, and also doing a fair share of plein air pastels.
Whether or not I can hold on to my storefront is still in question, but I have my website, and I can ship, so I will continue to sell my art, and show my latest work, here and on social media. I post new paintings through Instagram, which I have connected to Facebook. You can find me through this site on those platforms or go directly to helenturnerfinearts on Instagram or just search Helen Turner and I should come up,(plus a few other helens).
Thank you for all your love and support and keep positive,trust in God and don't give up!
A Bright Spot
I placed second in the Pastel Artists of Hawaii 17th annual Show, judged by Dawn Emerson. The pastel End of Day took the honors.
All events are cancelled but that does not stop me from painting, so find me on Instagram,@helenturnerfinearts for plein air and studio works, and if there is a painting you would like to have me ship, just contact me.
In the mean time, be safe, stay active, don't fear and hold on.
Kauai on Lockdown, sort of.
This has been a most unusual month starting out wonderfully with lots of sales, paintings going out to new homes and fun events coming up, and then the pandemic caught up with us. Kauai, at this moment has only three cases of Covid-19, so our Mayor has put restrictions on incoming everything, we are on a curfew and my visitors are urged to stay home and not come to the islands.
My Studio had some flooding issues during a recent Kona storm front to add to my woes, it is dry enough now and I'm trying to hold onto my place with no customers and rent to pay.
I've been painting lots of smaller oils for sale, and I'm still shipping for those who need something tropical to look at in quarantine.
All my shows are online except for the Kukui Grove Show which will extend for another month.
Contact me for future vacation plein air lesson info or if you'd like to purchase an original painting.
Most of all, have faith this will pass, and make us smarter, and healthier.
Another Round of Jury Shows
I will be posting new shows shortly, I can't believe how quickly they come up and I'm painting as fast as I can, well not really, still loving every moment I spend in my Studio.
I have some great new locations to plein air paint, and have been taking out visitors and locals to experience the joy and challenge of painting in the field.
This week starts Waimea Town Celebration, and I will be here enjoying all the fun, rodeos, beer gardens, film festival, canoe races, it's a real party!
If you plan on coming to Waimea, please email me or text me, and I will be here.
Winter Blues not Found in Waimea
The joy of having my own Studio and Gallery is growing on me here in our dusty little town.I can paint to my hearts content, with an oil on one easel and a pastel on another. The economic climate is a bit scary but I am teaching and finding ways to keep busy.
My prices here are very reasonable so at this point I just need customers to find me. My mantra is paint it and they will come. I believe God wants me to share my gift with those who find me, and that keeps me going.
Meanwhile,for those of you on the continent, I do ship!
I would recommend a winter getaway to a nice warm island though...
Waimea Shop for the Holidays!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you lovely patrons and friends. I've been working on all sorts of new projects for the Studio, plus getting some plein air painting in also.
My first retail enterprise is a learning curve but I'm learning customers love the little portable oils the most.I have several plein air classes available and thinking about a night class once the winter weather gets here, if ever.
Please come by and have a look at the new location, my prices are enticing and each little painting is a real slice of Kauai landscape.
Studio is Open!!
The Grand Opening is set for November 23, 5-8pm, but I had to turn my sign around sooner then that, because it's a studio and I'm in here, painting away.
I've had some wonderful results from my juried shows this year.
This week the Pastel Artists of Hawaii hosted the annual show in Oahu and I was awarded Second Place for my pastel "Teal Cottage".
The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts purchased my painting,"Sunday Afternoon", another pastel from my west side painting inspirations.
Please come and visit me in my new location, 9665 Kaumuali'i Hwy, Waimea. I'm there quite a lot, even if not the normal hours, but they are 10-2 weekdays.I can open up for special showings, and plan on having classes in here regularly.
Back on Kauai
Settling into painting life and soon to come, retail life on Waimea main street!
My new studio will be open to the public shortly, but I'm here trying to tie up loose ends and figure out how to display art with what I've got.
I have prints and note cards and small oil paintings for sale, plus my larger paintings. I've been itching to start work on some bigger oils and have a few ideas.
Come visit "Helen Turners Studio" 9664 Kaumuali'i Hwy, opening soon!!
Still on the Mainland, but back soon.
I wanted to update my status with the two juried shows going on right now.
My pastel "Sunday Afternoon" was awarded a "Purchase Award" from the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts! This means that the State of Hawaii will buy this pastel for it's private collection that is part of their travel exhibits,"Art in Public Places".
The Pastel Artists of Hawaii just finished the judging and all three of my pastels were accepted, now to wait for the judge, Stan Sperlak to make the Award choices.
I am anxious to get my studio open to the public, but it will have to wait, I'm home with my Father in New York now. Prayers are welcome for my Mom and Dad!
Heading to the Coast
I will be gone for the month of September, having some fun with my family and plein air painting with my good friend, Emily Miller. The shop will be closed to purchases but inquiries are always answered! I intend to be painting the entire time so look for some different seascapes coming up, maybe an Oregon waterfall or two.
Art Kauai is on this year again, while I'm away, but that won't stop me from entering some of my pastels, wish me luck!
My studio is taking shape and will be open by mid October, with all sizes of original paintings plus prints. Grand opening will be announced when all my ducks are in a row.
Have a great end of summer, and be well.
New Studio is Here!
I have been setting up my new working studio on Waimea Main Street for the last few weeks. The address is 9665 Kaumualii Hwy, and I am solving problems that come with moving into a location that has not been used for awhile. The air conditioning is finally working and the next issue will be removing the tint from the front window. I have all my paintings in there, unframed pastels also, and we are thinking up ideas for the space, possibly a jazz night with art once a month, maybe a life drawing class..
If you are coming to Kauai, please contact me, and come see my new space, it will be a fun visit!
I will be on the mainland from August 28-October 1 doing some plein air traveling and family adventures, but I am available by email anytime.
Here Comes Summer!
I will be in New York next week, but then home to Kauai for the heart of the heat. The reason, besides my old dog, is to set up my new studio on Waimea Main Street! I will be painting in air conditioned splendor! Stay tuned for the grand opening, but for now I'll just be getting used to the light inside and doing what needs doing in an old building.It will be called "Helen Turner Fine Arts-Studio" I am a very happy Lady!!
When on Kauai, please come say hello!!
Home Life Pays Off
All the painting I've been doing lately has been paying off in subtle ways. I just found out my painting "Lanai" was selected for the Pastels USA National Show. This is the 33rd year of this excellent exhibit, and my third time being selected. If you get a chance to see it, you will be in for a treat!
The Haggin Museum in Stockton, CA is the venue. The show opens May 16, and runs through July 14.
In other news, I won an Honorable Mention for my pastel "After Sunset" at the recent Kauai Society of Artists Members Show.
Make Yourself at Home
I have been doing quite a few small pastels of the resort cottages where I live and decided to enter one in the Pastel Society of the West Coast members show. This show is judged by well known pastel artists and my entry of "Yellow Cottage" (cottage and heliotrope tree) was selected!
Find the online show under pswc.com
At Home in the Islands
Moving to the west side of Kauai has been quite a different experience. I have been painting quite a lot in the last four months, so much that I have neglected to get out my Holiday newsletter. One is coming I promise.
I am going to be selling prints and note cards of my west side paintings in the Gift Shop at Waimea Plantation Cottages. I am coming out with a new set for those visitors who love the little houses and the glorious light of area.I am
also back to doing some studio work in pastel, and more commissions.
Write me if you would like a plein air lesson on the west side, I will teach from Poipu to Waimea, and maybe even the Canyon if you really want a challenge.
Adapting and Growing
Almost 2019 and happily painting away in my new residence in Waimea, I am ready for the upcoming year! This one has been full of changes, leaving my big beautiful house for a smaller one, reducing my studio and finding new inspiration. I started several series, not meaning to, but attracted to certain subject matter. The ocean in my front yard and all the moods of it with the ever changing weather patterns.I am in love with the little plantation cottages, one of which I live in! The paintings I have been doing are smaller due to where i paint, but a few larger canvas beckon from my storage! Not much teaching but good sales and some special book projects!
I hope to see you if you come to Kauai!!
The Heat is On
It has been a change moving from east to west here on Kauai, and mainly for the better. I was afraid my muse would not be able to find me, but she did, and I have been painting seascapes for the last month.
It has been incredibly hot, and I have not been in the mood for plein air...yet, it will come.
I am still teaching when a student wants to make the drive to Waimea, but not really promoting that until next winter when the temperatures are more suitable for standing and painting.
If you would like to see my new home, write me here and I will arrange a home studio visit!
Keep cool, and be well!
A West side Life
I am settled into my new cottage now, and ready to paint! The first one is always a test, to see how the light works, how hot it gets, and if my muse will stick by me, regardless of my new surroundings!
I am also prepared to teach here, and all my vantage points here are wonderful, quaint little cottages, palm trees, kiawe trees and black sand beaches, all within walking distance.
Easyliving Jazz is still performing on Wednesday nights at the Hukilau Lanai in Kapaa, 6-9pm.
I am also back in my first Gallery on Kauai, Amy Laurens Gallery in Hanapepe! If you are visiting and want to experience Art Night on Fridays, definitely stop by and have a look!
Now back to the easel!!!
Guess What?
At the final hour of my departing my beloved little Pacific Island, I found a place to call home!!
I will be living on the west side of Kauai, in Waimea, which offers wonderful plein air opportunities, a laid back lifestyle and most of all a home for my animals and art supplies!!!
I can still teach, but my students will have to drive to me now!
I will be all moved in by the beginning of May, so you can schedule a lesson then!
The Half Full/Half Empty Paradox
Lots going on for this artist,with packing, painting,and lessons in the middle of it all and the upcoming departure from my beloved studio! I will still be doing newsletters and posting on social media but from all points north and west!I will be turning off my shop until I have access to my work and a new printer, but please contact me for any questions or inquiries! I intend to find a winter rental next November so stay in touch!!!
The Gift of Peace!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all art lovers!
This season I am offering HUGE discounts on my art inventory here at my home studio, so if you ever wanted one of my paintings for a gift or for your home please contact me directly at hit2348@gmail.com
I will be moving in early spring, whereabouts unknown for now, but the one thing I know for sure is that I will be making art, wherever I am!
Wishing you all the best for the coming year!
Fall and back to the easel!
I may take a departure from Hawaiian scenes in the next month or so, having loads of reference photos from my trip west.The skies were brilliant blue and the cliffs and formations of the islands were remarkable, and of course that's just what an artist needs to spark the creative juices!
I am at home in Kauai, ready to resume teaching, if any travelers would like to take a lesson "en plein air"and also available for home studio visits! Feel free to contact me through this website!
Out to Sea
I will be vacationing for the month of September in California, hopefully doing a little plein air painting while enjoying a change of scenery.My shop will be closed until I return, but you can contact me through my site or check my facebook page for field work!
I will keep you posted with competition updates!!
The Heart of Summer
This year I will be home for summer, here on Kauai, and looking forward to long days in the studio, or just reading in the shade! I have plans for paintings and am currently planning my next move,hopefully where I can do both things I love, playing music and painting. I adore my patrons who support and keep me inspired to push my artistic limits. Thank you for being an art lover!!
Summer Fun
Just in case any of you tried to contact me through my site June 6 through June 14, my server was down and I lost all my mail! I'm back and have a back up email now, so please don't hesitate to contact me again.
I've been doing a lot of island exploring and gathering reference material for big oil paintings and medium sized pastels,I can make any custom size painting for commissions!!
It's summer, relax and enjoy!!
Prepare for Heat!
With the approach of Kauai's summer hurricane season and higher temperatures, I look forward to a mainland trip in the Fall, but meanwhile, there are paintings to paint and island adventures to be had!! I am always gathering reference material for projects, whether I have shows and competitions or not! A weekend trip to the mountains is coming up and also a trip down the Na Pali, so you know I will be doing some more Pali paintings!
As always I look forward to meeting new students in pastel and oil lessons and keeping you updated with instagram photos of plein air adventures.
Get out the electric fans and the ice tea!!
Getting Bolder
Look what's new on my website! I now have an abstract category, something I have been thinking about for awhile now. Over the years,I have done about a dozen free pastels, that allow me to make marks and use color with no boundaries, and until now was hesitant to share them. My pastels are available for giclee prints, but otherwise unframed. Stand by for more as I prepare them for viewing!!The hardest part is photographing them!!
Winter is Work Time!!
Even though our Hawaiian weather is beautiful, this is my best time to produce some studio paintings. I have been working on several series- waves in motion, and fog in trees!! Yes, I am full of visual ideas this year, 2017!!
The need to paint large is coming on too, so I have a few big oils I will be working on, as well as my bigger pastels...I have the materials so why not get to it!
If you are visiting, please contact me for a studio visit, I love to share my vision. You can also take an oil or pastel "en plein air" or a studio lesson.
Life is short so while we have the time and health, let's fill it with color and laughter!
Heading into 2017!!
What a year!! Lots of traveling and painting, both in the field and the studio! I am truly blessed with friends and family and my clients , who keep me from being buried alive in art!
I am hoping to stay on Kauai and paint because this is my island muse, but I am also open to new adventures. Recently, I started up my newsletter again, and I promise to make it a habit, sending out a sampling of studio works that are fresh off the easel.
Here's to a year of art and beauty, love and kindness!
I'm Back!!!
What an awesome summer and fall I've had traveling coast to coast!! I can't wait to start posting the new works I'll be starting on, although I am getting ahead of myself here. Part of being a landscape painter is gathering material for new studio work, and I have quite a few ideas for oils and pastels!! New York dunes in mellow afternoon light,outrageous Oregon rocky coastlines and haunting Channel Island sunsets....Please contact me if you have a special request for a Christmas present, so I can set time aside for priority painting!!
Meanwhile, I'm back to teaching, and everything I love on Kauai!!!!
Travels and Art
Writing from the Lee Star on the west coast!! Missing my tropical island but not the humidity and hurricanes this summer. I am having fun reuniting with family and friends, and getting some different land and seascapes to enjoy and occasionally paint. I will be back on island in October for Art Kauai, our island juried show, and to teach plein air in pastel.I will have lots of reference material from my Channel Islands trips, and from my Oregon coast plein air trip, so don't be surprised to see some non Kauaian paintings come fall!!
Have a wonderful summer! Write me anytime!
Summer is Here!!!
Here it is, at least for the folks on the continent, but it's always partly here for those of us in Hawaii! I will be on the continent for eight whole weeks of painting, and family and exploring and renewing friendships...can't wait!!!
I will be shutting down my printing operations while I'm away, and also not teaching until October, but you can contact me through my website anytime!!! My leaving date is July 26, so contact me before that if you would like a print or an original painting!!!
Enjoy the sun!!!
Where in the World?
There is so much chaos and confusion going on these days in the world, and of course, I couldn't escape it forever on my round green island. I will be leaving my beloved studio this summer, and will be on the mainland, hopefully painting at various locations!! That means I will be storing my paintings, and not doing lessons for the summer months. I hope to be back by October. If there is a painting you would like, please contact me before June so I can get it to you, before they are packed away!!
Moving Forward!
I am so looking forward to the future, new works, friends, opportunities!! Keeping this mindset takes practice, constantly pulling away from the tried and true, the comfortable, the known.
I have some beautiful new oils to upload soon, my "Aquaria" series, and can't wait to tackle some new pastels!! There will be my life drawing class and still life club and of course my one on one lessons, but my own work will be the new years' challenge!!Here's to my patrons and students, who make my life wonderful as an artist!!!
Be the Light!
Merry Christmas to all and a Mele Kalikimaka too!
I have been busy shipping prints and original paintings around the country, so I know it's the season of giving beauty and warm memories of good times and places!Throw in some Holiday jazz concerts with ELJ, my duet, and a few fundraisers, and you have the month of December! My sons come to spend a warm Christmas and I can't wait to spoil them rotten with baked goodies and italian feasts, in between sunny beach walks and hikes in the woods.I just want to say to you readers, be the light of joy and goodness wherever you are, despite the troubles of this world!Christmas is love, and giving without looking for a return!
We Give Thanks!!!
Here on Kauai, we are giving thanks for not being hit by any of the ten hurricanes this season! They buzzed by us on either side by we were spared! We also love our island life, and the beauty of the tropics and that is why I paint this landscape, as often as I can!
I have been busy teaching both private and group lessons, meeting new artist friends and growing in different directions.I have been doing a still life group at my home, and hosting a life drawing class at our Kauai Society of Artists at our exhibition space in Lihue, lots of fun and quite a challenge to get outside your comfortable place and paint from life with objects or figures!
Print sales are up as the season of giving is upon us, so don't hesitate to contact me for a quote or recommendations!
Blurb, the company I use to make my art books, are offering free shipping within the continental U.S.,they make a beautiful remembrance of Kauai..use the code "FREESHIP2015
Have a wonderful Holiday with family and friends, and thank you for being part of my art journey!
Hard Work Pays Off!
This year I decided to skip the jury shows off-island in favor of my local art society, which is becoming more and more sought after by collectors and art lovers who travel to Hawaii.
Art Kauai is our only show juried by an accomplished artist and curator and visited by the State Foundation on Art and Culture, which procures work for it's Art in Public Places program.Normally I am happy to be juried into the show with one or two pieces, but this year I was lucky enough to get two pastels and one oil in. I received the Board of Directors award for my oil "Kauaian Waters" and the State Foundation gave me a purchase award for my pastel "Sandy Path".
A wonderful finish to my competition season!!!
Just because I haven't posted, doesn't mean I haven't been painting!! Actually I've been very prolific this summer. Since I've been home from the mainland,I've had canvas and paper on the easel everyday...well nearly.
My trip was a blast, I was able to plein air paint on both coasts and took home some interesting photographs to work on over the winter.I melted a computer and am now catching up with posting , so look every now and then for new works!!
p.s. The hard cover book "Aloha Expressionism" is finally here! I will post a link in the future!
Travel Time!
I am headed for the mainland for a three week, family vacation on June 20, so if you write me and I don't get back to you, I'm out of WIFI reach!! Planning on painting on my oil thumbox, maybe a few pastels, but mostly catch up with my distant loved ones I've been missing!! I'll be back July 15,ready for playing at the Hukilau Lanai, and pastel lessons and even a wedding!!
Enjoy the summer!!
Featured artist!!!
I was chosen to be a featured artist on Artsy Shark, an online artist website which finds and promotes artists all over the country! Just thought I would share that!!!
Getting Ready for Summer!
I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by, almost summer and I'm gearing up for a trip to the Mainland in a few weeks. This is the heart of plein air season, both my pastels and oils are getting a good workout! I've been teaching a lot of new students,some returnees, and some who want lessons in both mediums, oil and pastel!! It keeps me busy. I've taken the year off from competition to work on my oil paintings, as they take longer to complete, and I need to relax and let my creativity rejuvenate!!
I'll be back on Kauai July 15 for lessons and studio visits if you are coming to my island this summer!
Take care and get out there in the fresh air!!
He is Risen!!!
Easter weekend, and all is right with the world! I wanted to post my latest oil painting of the Mahaulepu Coast for your viewing pleasure, as it is a happy, sunny painting, full of promise, walking on a glorious sandy beach in the sunshine.
I have been pushing myself on doing large scale oils and have two more on their way to completion. I will be teaching a Life Drawing class locally on Kauai for a six week session, starting April 13, and am busy teaching plein air pastel lessons when the weather permits!! I've had the pleasure of meeting some of my mainland collectors in person this winter season and hope to entertain more in the coming months. I will be traveling mid June to mid July, but will also be painting while I'm away. I just can't help myself, there is always something interesting to capture!! May the Lord bless and keep you all healthy and happy!!
Moving and Shaking!
Just when it seems like things might calm down a little, I take on more projects and get busy again!! I like it like that though,it keeps me from getting stuck in a rut, or too relaxed about art making!!! Emily Miller and I are currently working on a book project that she will use as a college project and also as a collaborative effort for a Kauai publication! I am also in a new book called "Aloha Expressionism" due out next year,featuring a number of talented Hawaii based artisans. Meanwhile, I am busier then ever teaching my one on one plein air lessons in both oil and pastel, and doing occasional Rotary charity events!
I look forward to more challenging commissions, traveling and painting, and being amazed at the beauty around me!
Looking to the New Year!!
I'm already thinking about what I will tackle in 2015! This has been quite a year for me, in sales and commissions and lessons! I thank GOD for all these blessings and all the wonderful new friends I've made! I am on the lookout for a new project for the winter months of heavy rains, so please feel free to contact me with your requests!
May your Thanksgiving be warm and filled with friends and family, and your travels delightful!!!
Nice feather...!
Just a brief note to say my pastel "Sugar Free" was awarded the top cash prize at this year's Juried Art Kauai Show!!The show was also reviewed in The Star Advertiser on Sunday , September 28th, with a photo of my painting, a nice birthday present for me! Meanwhile, work on the big oil is progressing nicely, returning students are scheduling lessons, and my proverbial plate is full!!!
Empty Nester Gets Big Egg
I find myself busier then ever these days, with the absence of my sons, I was sure to be sad and bored, instead I find myself with a grand project underway! It has been awhile since I have worked on a canvas this big, but my client, bless her heart, had a size in mind to fit her living space, and I couldn't say no to a lovely beach in oil!! I will post the final outcome!! I also have lots of charity based functions this fall with the Women Artists of Kauai and returning plein air students. I declined to enter PAH this year, as my work has grown larger then will fit in a mailing box for competition, so you can see my competition pastel locally this year in Art Kauai.
I am really liking big oil canvas's, so anyone who wants a spectacular Kauai scene in their home, drop me a line!!!
Sincerely, with Aloha,
The Heat is On!
With so many changes happening around me, people coming and going in and out of my life, it is clear that my painting must go through a period of growth that reflects these developments. My best friend and painting partner is off to school, leaving me with our joint book project to complete, and also the impetus to try some new pastel directions! I had a dream with colors, and usually I don't take heed of that sort of subconscious streaming, but it stayed with me. I am currently awaiting a new shipment of paper to begin my experiments!!! Don't worry, I am an impressionist by nature, so whatever I paint, it will be rooted in natures' beauty.
Meanwhile, I am also waiting to see if I made it into the annual Pastels USA show!! I'll keep you posted! I just finished a new book, which will be in my Blurb bookstore, and I am seriously considering working with printing my images on clothing! I have a new online family too, Tiffanys' Art Agency is representing my pastels in her online web gallery, and she is also producing a book on Hawaii's creative life, which I will be a part of. So you see, I've been busy, artists can no longer stay inside and paint, we have to keep exploring the possibilities!!
Expanding Horizons
With all the crazy happenings this year, I thought I would expand my horizons a bit, and begin offering "Plein Air Retreats" here on Kauai! This would be for the solo traveler or possibly two, who would like to go out painting in a new location with a guide, with all the comforts of being at a friends' house! Please inquire for more information!!
More options!!!
Soon, I will be adding more ways to own original art to my website!I've been getting involved in giclee making companies that are becoming more reasonable for print on demand buyers! I will be offering my images on wraparound canvas giclees as well as paper giclees! Write me if you are interested, as I haven't changed my shop page yet!!
I am also offering oil plein air classes, similar to my pastel classes, one on one! The latest addition to my teaching page will be group classes at my home for beginners in pastel, working from life and photos, and also an "intro to plein air" in my spacious yard! (dog cookies are a prerequesit!)
Think Spring!
Spring into Action!!
Whether you are watching the snowflakes fall or the rain, winter is hanging on this year and we're tired of it!!! I have been itching to get back to plein air painting for myself, in between lessons with students.I am writing this now because I am at an impasse....what to paint next, what project to start,paperwork? housework?(sigh, the constant),blogging? My recommendation to you is is spring into action, do something!! Don't just sit there,get going!!!That's what makes this world go round ya know, action, and of course love, kindness, forgiveness, peace!!
Spring will come if you start first!!!
(yes, I'm going up to the studio right NOW!)
Go Big!
With the new year comes changes and decisions,one of those being, what shall I paint now? I've decided to start approaching my art with a new attitude, a fearless, why not approach! Currently I am working on a large oil of Kauai's beloved Waimea Canyon, a virtual kaleidescope of colors and shadows, one of my favorite places and my plein air nightmares!!!So I thought I would take my time, and embrace the neverending canyons and ridges with love!!! Of course right now I am taking a break from the canvas doing this, as I am having a color overload and need to rest my eyes from the palette!Hopefully, I will have it done in time for our P.O.W. Show at Kukui Grove on Jan. 20, and someone will fall in love with it and take it home!!! Hope to see you at the reception, on that Monday, from 5-7pm, with Jeff and I(Easyliving Jazz) playing some jazz to celebrate with my good friends, the Inches and Emily Miller!
Enjoy your new resolutions, push your limits, and go big!!!
The Joy of Gifting!!
Merry Christmas to all you lovely cyber friends!!! This is the season of appreciation, love, giving and hope!I am pleased to be among those sharing their gifts through charity events and spreading aloha, one beautiful work at a time!Thank you for taking the time to contact me, buying my originals and prints and taking my lessons!I wish you all love, peace and prosperity for the coming year!!
Falling into Winter
It seems to me, days are getting shorter, and my time to paint also! Of course the seasons change here in Hawaii but they really sneak up on you! I have had so many changes happen, but somehow I am still able to keep it together as long as I am painting!!I have been plein air oil painting alot lately and almost ready to teach my method, which is quicker and easier,I have been teaching pastel classes when not feeling like mixing, and keeping some time for studio work also.I will be on island afterall for the Holidays, so I will be participating in WAK events and selling my art to Christmas shoppers! If you see something you like, write me!!
New Day for You
With this Fall comes many changes, boys off to College, lots of new ventures, and more time to fine tune my craft!I just realized I hadn't put any oil paintings on my site in awhile and the ones shown will be replaced shortly with some new ones! I have lots of pastels out there right now in juried show, and hope to do some big pieces once I am settled into my new life!
This December I will be on the mainland from the 15-Jan 2, so if you would like a commissioned pastel/oil or prints and cards, please order early!!
Always Summer
So much going on this year, but still I find the time to paint, maybe it's my obsession, or maybe it's my release! The endless beauty that is my island home keeps me centered and brings me again to the easel to capture a quiet moment for those who surround themselves with beauty and reflection.
I've been teaching, getting my work into new venues, and possibly finding new ways to keep art in my life and move forward!There are shows coming up, and all sorts of changes just around the corner! I have been sadly remiss in not getting my newsletter out, coming soon!!
Mostly I wanted to say, enjoy our beautiful islands, all of them, mainland and across the oceans, get out and explore! I love summer, and I hope you do too!
Is it hot in here or what??
That's right, bring on the summer heat!! I've got all the windows open and my oils are in full production mode!!!Time for plein air mania in both mediums too! I have been meaning to get an online auction started for selling some of my works so stay tuned, also having a rack card made for my lessons, which are a blast! Come and experience pure outdoor creativity, in a one-on-one setting!
If you see something on my site you love, inquire!!! My aim is to put my art and those who love the tranquil beauty of Kauai together!
A Hint of Spring
Kauai has been enjoying some beautiful weather while the rest of the USA is freezing and stormy.I have been taking advantage of it to plein air pastel and teach a few lessons in the field! My latest love has been clouds, as you can guess, those fluffy, foreboding shadow makers that make the islands so lush and green!
I am hoping to place these pastels in a few shows this year!!Well, it's a gorgeous day, I'm off to embrace it!!!
2013 time to get Busy!
Now is the time to start afresh with new works, try some new techniques and challenge the old ways of thinking!I have a stockpile of stretched canvas and some large pastel papers awaiting my internal muse, she has had the flu so she's a little slow getting started...
I have a new device to assist me in my commission work that will help with the detail work, which sometimes can be frustrating, so I'm ready to go!
I look forward to another plein air season teaching and painting, sharing the love of outdoor creativity with visitors to Kauai.Please contact me if you come to my sunny island and we can go out painting, or maybe a studio visit! I'm anticipating an active year!!
$10.00 OFF coupon!!!
Blurb books, whom I use to make my little gems, is having a promotion for Christmas, type "GIVE10" in promotional code at checkout, and get 10.00 off any of my books, listed in authors bookstore!!
Remain Calm:Holidays!!!
I can't believe how fast this year is going!I am reeling with the thought of my usual Christmas traditions, shopping, shows, not to mention family and friends!
I have pastels in several shows and plan on doing at least one more WAK event at the NTBG Gardens(will post soon!) and then I've neglected getting out my newsletter!! (this week, I promise!)I've been painting oils, which take longer, so I haven't posted any studio pieces, but the plein air season has been glorious! Lots of lessons, and discovering new spots to paint!Check out the newest plein aires!!
It's not too late for some shopping on my shop page, prints and cards make wonderful, original gifts, and then there are art books available through my link to Blurb! Have a stress free Christmas!!!
Home Again
A wonderful trip, but now I'm back and ready to work! I have some reference materials from the west coast, and a score of plein air pastels to work with, so stay tuned for some mainland vistas!Please feel free to contact me with your own reference materials, as I love a beautiful landscape, no matter what the continent!!
I'll be sending out my fall newsletter soon so any interested art lovers please contact me to be included. Enjoy the crisp weather!
Getting Out and About!
With the summer months comes the plein air season, jury shows and new friends and galleries!I will have the pleasure of showing my paintings in a adorable Gallery called AlleyCat Art in Kapaa for a solo show for September and October! I will post more info in Events soon! September also brings an adventure on the west coast! I'll be exploring the Pacific coast with my good painting buddy, and then up to Tahoe and points beyond!I am hoping to locate a venue for my mainland landscapes that can keep me in airfare and art supplies!! Meanwhile I've been taking pastel students out around the island, it's always an adventure. We have alot of fun getting messy and seeing light! Write me if you come to Kauai, my studio is open to pastel(oil) lovers, or if you're interested in trying out a medium while on vacation! Enjoy the sun!
Almost July?
Time flies when you're doing something you love, and in my case, it has been a crazy, fast year!I've always believed the more you paint the better you get, and I hope that's true, as I've been at the easel for months it seems! This summer will be spent attending some art functions, the Art Wine event at the Kauai Beach Resort, friday nights in our quaint Hanapepe playing jazz with Easy Living Jazz...and painting under the sun!! I'll be teaching a few lessons also! Enjoy the season!!
Ahhh Summer!
Well, as promised, the new categories are up, and I'm geared up for summer! Having recently completed the Tahoe series,I am now enjoying my pastels, working on competition pieces for the fall.I have been painting in oil with my new thumb box under shade umbrellas around the island,getting fun sized sketches of summer landscapes.If you are on island, please contact me for a studio visit, it's a riot of color and mediums up here!
Get outside and enjoy the weather!!
Coming Soon!!!
I'll be adding an oil category to my website, and also a short film!! My penchant for oils is getting ridiculous, as I have purchased a thumb box to do oil sketches in the field! Ask any artist about their art obsessions and you'll find out how hard it is to resist a jewelry-sized box for painting little gems! I have been neglecting my studio work in pastel, but doing more plein air pastels then ever to keep me balanced! I'll be at the Botanical Gardens again this sunday for an open garden event.The Tahoe series is finished and my show catalogs are being printed so anyone interested in these paintings please contact me!! I'll be shipping them off to California(location TBA) the end of August and will ship separately, any sold pieces directly to the buyers in advance of the show, so contact me for more information. For now, I'm searching for challenging pastel work and looking forward to a great summer!!
Aloha, Helen
Back in the Sticks!
I am almost done with my Tahoe Series,except for the signing and various odds and ends that will go into the final stages of this endeavor. I am weary of oil painting and ready to get dusty again! Bring on the sticks!!I've been collecting ref. material and now will have to decide which way to go,I've got some lovely reflecting pools, wild water,sun soaked beaches, red dirt battered plantation houses..hmmm decisions..
I do have a new gallery to promote in Hanapepe called Puuwai HaoKila run by Veronica, a very spirited Lady who makes and designs mouthwatering jewelry too!I will be uploading a very short documentary done by my son Joe for a college class, featuring moi..(I'm thinner in person, really!!)
And that's the news!! more exhibitions are coming up, I'll post anything newsworthy!!
Spring is Here!
After our heavy rains, spring is finally here! I've been doing lots of plein air pastel painting, and enjoying our Kauaian sunshine!The Tahoe series is almost completed, the bad weather helped actually, because I was trapped inside,with the thunder and lightening booming, and me at my easel!!
There are all kinds of membership shows going on, our island KSA show, and a few others around the state, waiting to hear on the west coast show. Meanwhile, getting material together for next fall's competitions! Still teaching, so anyone who'd like to have a plein air session please contact me, and we'll brave the sunshine and make some art!!
Be True to Yourself!
Happy New Year to all my patrons and friends! This will be a good year for tackling new challenges, and pushing the limits of my capabilities! I have taken on a project that will definitely test my strengths but I am really looking forward to working on it! Getting back to oil painting, as well as pastel explorations,are my directions for 2012, with a series of large oils and pastels of Lake Tahoe for next summer. I have been doing lots of field work in oil and some studio work and now it's time to find my subjects for next years' pastel competitions.
With all you do in this world, be true to what you do. Explore your vision, this is your gift to give, yourself, through what you do!I'm hoping we all have the best year ever, bringing our best to the light!
Pleased to announce!
I just wanted to announce I won First Place for my pastel "Falling Grace" at this year's juried Pastel Artists of Hawaii exhibition on Oahu at Pauahi Tower in Honolulu!When I painted this one I had a feeling it was a special piece, you get that sometimes...
In other news, there are two upcoming public art sales for those of you on Kauai or coming to visit. The 3rd annual Women Artists of Kauai charity fundraiser in Hanapepe on Nov. 26, will be the usual WAK-y women selling their one-of-a-kind original artworks at the Hanapepe Church of Christ on Kuhio Hwy to raise funds for worthy causes! December 1st finds me at the Kauai Beach Resort at an Art and wine tasting Event from 4-7. I'll be bringing out my studio oils for these events so come and check them out, they're pretty little pieces all set to deck your walls!!!Hope to see you there!
New Perspectives
What a great travel year I've had, well, for me!I just recently returned from an amazing tour of the west coast, just a bit of it actually.Sometimes we artists need to get out there and be amazed by the natural beauty of a new landscape, a different palette of colors, a new perspective!Of course I always travel with my trusty camera and usually my pastels and field gear, much to my traveling partners' dismay, I love to stop and paint!!!
Since this is also the season of juried shows, and the approach of the Christmas season, I have not been doing many studio pastels,but a few commissions,lots of plein air sketches and oils have kept me busy!I try to paint everyday, one medium or another!Contact me for quotes on commission paintings for gifts,if you'd like a studio tour while on Kauai or maybe a pastel lesson in the field or studio!!I'm back and recharged with artistic energy!!
Being There
I am back from the east coast and am just now putting up a few plein air pastels! I have more, but now that I'm home, my hawaiian landscapes are calling me back! I will be posting all sorts of random scenes in the near future , as I can't be inside when the weather is this nice!!New York was wonderful, and Maine was gorgeous, though overcast and rainy at times. I have a collection of 8x10 plein air oils also, and am wondering if I should post those too? This September I am off to Tahoe for a quick trip so more pines and lakes!!
Meanwhile, in the studio..two shows are coming up, a local Kauai, juried show and a west coast exhibition in Folsum.I will post any new happenings, as they come! If any of you write me and I don't respond, please check your end of the correspondence because I ALWAYS respond! I have been thwarted by one request and I don't want to seem indifferent!!I am always pleased to communicate with anyone who takes the time to write me, from fellow artists to elementary schoolers, not to mention my prospective buyers.
Have a terrific summer!
Aloha, Helen
Off the Rock!!
Summer is almost here, and I've never been so ready to do a little traveling!Here on Kauai, we have a saying,"you need to get off the rock," and that is exactly what I'm going to do, cross the Pacific and spend some time on the east coast!Of course I'm taking my painting kits, both oil and pastels, so in the upcoming months I may be posting some un-Hawaiian landscapes.Please "friend" me on Facebook,my place for weekly plein air paintings and a little backstory about my outside adventures!I will be checking my mail while away, so don't hesitate to write!
Aloha, Helen
On the road again!
This is the season for membership shows, when all the Societies display the work of their members from the past year. I have two going at the same time, our local Kauai artist group and the Oahu, pastel only group!I have also been spending time working on my plein air oil set-up, and after finally finding the perfect, lightweight, portable box,the wind flipped it and put a big crack in it!! Hopefully my Honey can repair it and I can get back out there soon!Not like I don't have an artillery of easels, you need a few for the serious pursuit of "painting from life"!!The multiple easels also allows me to teach more then one pastel student in the field, and I welcome couples to try plein air together on vacation here on Kauai.
If you're coming to my Island and want to paint, e-mail me and we'll go!!
February, the month for love!
While the rest of the country is digging out of snowdrifts, Hawai'i is being blessed with gorgeous weather! I am doing my best to take advantage of these cerulean blue days to take my painting kit on location.It seems my two mediums are challenging me to bring home these perfect days on paper or canvas! I post my daily adventures on Facebook, so if you look me up, you will see them. The special favorites have been selling fast and the rest I post here on my website.My plein aire classes are booking up for the winter, a one-on-one lesson in the art of painting from nature. Meanwhile, I've been doing large studio pastels, after a year of small works. It feels good to stretch out and really make a mess!!
If you're coming to the islands, please contact me for a studio visit, or a pastel lesson!
Don't forget Valentine's Day, spread some smiles and kisses!
Aloha, Helen
New Year, New Views
I feel the year of the landscape coming on strong!People have been asking for more water, reflections,peaceful scenes of tranquility and I'm listening!There are so many beautiful things to paint here on Kauai so I'm going to be listening to what my inner spirit tells me to put on paper.This is also going to be a year for taking students out into the field to experience painting from life, and taking myself to new places.I'm planning a trip back east in the late spring and am looking for new opportunities to keep me inspired!!
Holiday Fun!
I am entering the festive part of Christmas now, baking, and writing cards and wrapping things.It's also time for Winter Art Festivals, Christmas concerts and in between everything, pastel classes!!I've just added a teaching page for travelers to Kauai,who would like to try plein air painting with me.
The printers of my book(see below) are offering a ten dollar discount with the promotional code: CHEER, so check it out! This would be the time to order a perfect "remembrance of Hawaii" present, or maybe a hint for someone who's thinking about visiting!!!
Above all the glitter, enjoy your friends and family and let's pray for peace on earth and good will towards men.... and women!!!!
The Gift of Art
Despite the economic news, Christmas will come anyway, just like the Grinch said!You can choose to celebrate it any way you like, with all the hoopla and tinsel or quietly and warmly.I've been enjoying getting my art out to those who will give it secretly or to those who look forward to receiving it each year!There are lots of ways I do this, through my paintings: I now offer affordable plein air pastels that sell for 195.00,through my laser prints: an 8x10 color laser print, matted of any pastel on my site, and notecard sets: five different sets of eight images each, they can be framed too!!So that's how I help celebrate Christmas!Of course the best gift of all was given already, and that's the true meaning of the Season for me!! God bless you all!
Sincerely, Helen
Thanks and Giving!
I can hardly believe Thanksgiving is a few days away! Where did the year go?? Maybe I've had my head in the pastel dust and didn't notice. It's time to thank God and all my patrons and friends who have been collecting my works and encouraging me to keep painting and creating!
It's also time to give back to the community through Women Artists of Kauai fundraisers at the Church of Christ and coming up at the Botanical Gardens in Lawai.I'll be sending out another newsletter in December so anyone who would like to be on my list please contact me through my enquiry mail.
I also received third place for "The Cartoonist" in the PAH 7th annual juried show!!!
Plein Aire Pastels-NEW Category!!!
I thought it was time to show off my field paintings on my website and since my classes have given me so much more time out and about, they have gotten better and better(well I think so!)These are my most affordable works and being only 11x14 framed they are easily transported and shipped.Recently I've begun e-mailing a newsletter to friends and collectors about latest news and shows and also to offer specials on various works. If any of you would like to be on my mailing list please contact me through this sites inquiry and I'll add you on!! That way you can receive special pricing and added attentions!!
It's Showtime!!
Here we are hurrying through another year and it's already show season!!My work ethic leads me to paint nearly everyday, so getting geared up is not a problem for me,it's the waiting for results!!I just found out I have three pieces in the Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 7th exhibition, so now the reframing and packing off to entry day and then, if the judge, Lorenzo Chavez likes my work enough to award me, I'll be ecstatic!!Also to keep me busy, five artists from Kauai will be having a show at Kukui Grove. I've decided to enter some of my more eclectic pieces in this as it is not juried, and some exhibition work that has not been seen locally. I'll also have a collection of my plein air pastels framed and ready to take home, as these are priced to be a steal!!Wish me luck for the Oahu show, and come and see me at the Mall Nov.1st and the 8th!
Sincerely, Helen
Pastel Painter Wants to Spread Joy!
I've decided what my main mission will be in life and that is to spread joy and beauty as long as I'm able to create art!! Painting is a gift and a compulsion for me, I produce a lot of art during a typical year, not including commissions, so I was thinking of trying a new approach. If you love it, if it moves you, talk to me and we'll put it on your wall! I am not going to get rich or make headlines, but I want to continue to paint and make people happy.There are some pieces I put aside for shows and galleries but mostly I paint because I need to, it brings me joy.
I've got all kinds of juried shows coming up and hope for the best, I'll keep you posted!!!
Fight the good fight of Art!
Summer for me has always been about getting as much beach time as possible! Well this year I've taken a different approach and am trying to get as much painting in as I can manage. My plein aire classes have been tremendous fun and so have my private lessons,it's just a rewarding thing to do, and I always learn as well as teach. Things may be a little unsettled all the way around the world, but as artists, I believe we have to keep painting, sculpting, dancing, playing music, whatever it is that powers us, because that is what life is built upon, our human drives and needs. So enjoy the beach while it's hot and sunny, but bring your sketchbook, camera, beach guitar too!!!
Sincerely, Helen
Unexpected Joys!
I finally gave in to a request to do a plein aire teaching session with a friend of mine through a local Arts organization here on Kauai, and much to my surprise, I'm loving it! It is summer and those traveling to our lovely Pacific Isle don't want to sit and bask anymore, they want to learn!Painting in the great outdoors is a special sort of mania that has taken over a lot of pastel painters. Easier then an oil set-up, pastelists can be ready in moments and also can move their easels to a new view without worrying about wet paint and solvents! I love oils, but haven't achieved plein aire mobility yet!Lately I've been getting e-mails from individuals wanting to go out or do studio lessons, and I am delighted. Write me and we will set up the times and dates, either I can provide all your materials or can recommend some to buy. This is the time to enjoy the summer and to be painting is the best way of all!!
New Beginnings
Here comes spring and with it family events, like graduations and reunions, new ventures and expanding horizons! As the weather turns from warm to hot,I tend to paint outside more often and try and catch the tradewinds, especially when painting in oils. I have a nice collection of these miniature landscapes and am finding homes for them at Puka Gallery in Hanapepe and my Etsy shop on-line.If you're on Kauai, you can come visit my studio and see them in person! Somehow oils don't translate as well through a camera as pastels do, but you can touch oils!! I am delighted to be a part of the Pastels USA show this year in Los Gatos. This is a very tough competition and I am proud to be seen with some of the best pastelists in the nation! Have a great spring and embrace your new directions!
Sincerely, Helen
Lots of Things...
It has been a crazy winter and now that spring is upon us, and my computer is back up and running, I can begin to get organized!! There will be two membership shows to be part of, numerous plein air get togethers and graduations, birthdays and painting when ever I can fit it in!! I have a nice collection of oil paintings, my baby oils, and now I'm thinking of going bigger and maybe even take the oils on the road!My latest pastel has exhausted me, I need to do a landscape, and on a lovely outting with my two intrepid painting friends,I found a lovely view I may attempt next, there I've put it in writing!Enjoy the weather,keep in touch and paint on!!
Sincerely, Helen
Back in the Oils!
I really love to paint in pastels, but every once in awhile you have to step outside of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Recently, while cruising the arts and crafts department of a local store, I came across a huge canvas sale! I couldn't help myself and loaded up on,what I call, manageable sizes.When I lived in New york, MANY moons ago, oils were my medium of choice and I did still lifes and landscapes to my hearts content.I still have my ancient oil box and brushes and the rest just sort of came back to me! It is fun to mix colors and using brushes again.I haven't stopped using pastels, on the contrary, I've started an ambitious series of chinatown scenes, and back to the countryside with my fearless plein air companions! I will be selling my" baby oils" on Kauai and possibly on my etsy shop, check if I've posted them! Meanwhile, Happy Valentine's Day!
Sincerely, Helen
Off to a Good Start!
Well I do have some news this month!I now have my pastel paintings on the Hamakua Coast of the Big Island in the Clarissa Passos Gallery.A home for my "market people" and still-lifes! If you visit the island of Hawaii, don't miss the prettiest side of the island and stop by and say hello!
Years ago in New York I was an avid oil painter and this past week I dove into the oil box again! It had so much fun mixing paint, I did a few 5x7 seascapes and will be adding more to my collection. I also opened a shop on Etsy which may host those "baby oils".Right now I'mshipping off purchases and looking forward to spring!
Sincerely, Helen
Small World
Funny how people meet from halfway around the world and find out they share something in common! That's how I met the owner of Aloha Images in Kapa'a. This is a new location for me, after Davisonarts closed, I needed a new eastside gallery and by a chance comment on an internet newspaper story, I found my new home!Visit Ray on mainstreet Kapa'a and check out the eye candy!
Sincerely, Helen
Happy New Year!
Rejoice in the New Year, be merry, be positive, be the best you can be! That's my resolution and I hope you will find that it works for you too! I've had a wonderful year of sales, shows, new friends and experiences and I thank all my patrons and patroness's! Even though I'm without an upcoming event at the moment, I will be on the lookout for an opportunity to spread the gift of color!
Special discount!!
The company I made my book "Pastels of Kauai", as seen in the badge below, has offered a discount on this hardcover book. To order and receive your ten dollars off, just click on the book and put GREATGIFT in the coupon code!
New Card Sets!
My newest notecard sets available through my website are "People" and "Trees". I don't have a thumbnail image of them posted but I can share with you what I've got in them! "People" are eight of my favorite people in the landscape paintings from Dragon Parade to Love and Fishing.For reference, check out my people category in artwork. Trees is self explanatory and has eight of my favorite tree paintings, it was a year of contemplative trees for me!
I've also got lasers of all my images and some adorable miniature paintings that must be seen!
I'll be at the Hanapepe Church of Christ on Saturday November 28 for a fundraiser for Nana's House with all my paintings, prints and cards. I will also be doing a pastel demonstration at this event and also will be at the National Tropical Botanical Gardens in Lawai on December 19 with the Women Artists of Kauai. Hope to see you there!
Sincerely, Helen
Keeping it Real
With the Holidaus approaching fast, it's time to put things in perspective as an artist, and that's what our little group of Women artists on Kauai are trying to do. WAK is hosting two fundraisers to support some worthy causes here on our own little piece of terra firma called Kauai. The first is in Hanapepe on Nov. 28, where we will be donating part of the proceeds of our fine art sales to a rehabilatation Center in Waimea, and the second is Dec. 19, a fundraiser to support our botanical gardens research center. When we wonder why we paint, and can't seem to find a reason other then because we love it, then it's time to turn it into something good, spread the love, and continue to grow in art,friendship and community awareness!
in other news! "Pier Pleasure 2" won the Juror's Merit Award in the PAH 2009 Show.
Keeping it Real
With the Holidays approaching fast, it's time to put things in perspective as an artist, and that's what our little group of Women artists on Kauai are trying to do. WAK is hosting two fundraisers to support some worthy causes here on our own little piece of terra firma called Kauai. The first is in Hanapepe on Nov. 28, where we will be donating part of the proceeds of our fine art sales to a rehabilatation Center in Waimea, and the second is Dec. 19, a fundraiser to support our botanical gardens research center. When we wonder why we paint, and can't seem to find a reason other then because we love it, then it's time to turn it into something good, spread the love, and continue to grow in art,friendship and community awareness!
In other news, "Pier Pleasure 2" won the Juror's Merit Award in the PAH 2009 Show!
Finding New Ways
How did fall arrive without me noticing it? Well, it helps when you live in Hawaii!With all the bad economic news everywhere and the uncertainty of our world, all we can do is continue to do what we have been doing and hope for the best, with the addition of new ways to attract people to our creations. I've been working on a series of "miniature" paintings of Kauai that are affordable,portable and irresistable! The Women Artists of Kauai will be having several fund raising sales around the island and I'll be there doing some demonstrations and selling my minis,notecards and other pastel paintings. The Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 6th Annual Show is under way also! Wish me luck!!!
Sincerely Helen
Technical Difficulties!!
This is an apology blog! We just realized that our inquiry or contact mail has not been coming through! To anyone who has attempted to contact me about anything, please accept my humble apologies and forgive me. I hope you will try again since I am almost always available via e-mail.
Sincerely, Helen
Celebrate My Passion
As the days countdown to my reception at the Kauai Museum, I am getting all my loose ends tied up,preparing for my two and a half hours of fame! This is a show of some of my favorite landscapes I've painted and I can't wait to see people's reaction to them. Yes,I like a good "OOOH" or "Ahhhh" as much as the next artist, and after all, a show is for sharing your hardwork and passion.I've restricted my show to 30 pastels, that was a challenge for the Mezzanine Gallery, but they're all little gems and I think they hang quite nicely together.This reception will be a fun, friend-filled event and I hope to make a few new friends too.To anyone who can take a flight to Kauai for my exhibit, the show runs from Sept.24-November 20. For those who'd rather not fly, my book "Pastels of Kauai" has all the show paintings in it plus some others!!
Aloha, Helen
I've Got a Book for You
Well that's another thing I can cross off my list! I've got my own art book!This was an immensely fun project that I intended to accompany my solo show at the Kauai Museum in September. Alas most of my family is spread over the continental U.S. and won't be able to share a wild night(artist's receptions are fun!)of flowers and food and art lovers, so...I put together a little tour of Kauai via my paintings!I will have the link available to my print on demand publisher if you'd like to preview it, or send to someone who really needs a hawaiian vacation but can't go right now!! Enjoy!
Sincerely, Helen
Island Hopping!
Well, just a short hop, to Oahu, for the invitational show,"The Rhythms of Nature" a plein aire show at the Pauahi Tower in Honolulu.
I think the hardest part about this show was deciding which pieces to enter!I've selected five sketches of my garden isle to represent Kauai, from Waimea to Anini, done in the field.These paintings are each a "one of a kind" in that the weather and light will never be the same from one day to the next.I hope to have some time to paint on Oahu's north shore and of course some free time absorbing a different island and it's beauty, maybe get back to China Town!
Sincerely, Helen
New Friends!
I have a new gallery in Hanapepe representing my pastels on Kauai, the Puka Gallery. Located at the very beginning of historic Hanapepe, it's a delightful, spot to find a treasure. Drop by to say hello to Anna,owner of the Puka Gallery and Boutique, and tell her Helen sent you!
Our Women Artists of
Kauai first event at the Botanical Gardens in Poipu was a great success, we all made a few new friends and a lot of tried and true friends came by also.
Right now I'm getting ready for the Pauahi Tower plein aire show and hope I still have some left by July 11. Oh well, I'll just have to go out and paint some more!!
Sincerely, Helen
Who's Afraid of a Julian?
Okay I admit it's a lot easier to paint "en plein air" at the beach because I don't have to set up my french easel! Now that we're experiencing bright spring days, I've been out and about, trying to squeeze in as many quick sketches as I can before school gets out. The more I do it, the more selective I get with my locations and I'm actually lugging out the Julian easel again. It is a wooden monster, with rusted hardware my husband bought me for Mother's Day years ago, and since then I've neglected it for watercolor easels and folding tables, and blankets on the ground!Of course there are places where you need an elevation, and also somewhere to rest your pastels, and carrying a stool and table plus supplies can be exhausting before the sun even starts to cook your brain! Now that sounds extreme, but any dedicated field painter knows about the physicality of outdoor interpretation!! So if you see me out there painting with my wooden julian, stop by and say hello, I might ask you if you have a pair of pliers!
Aloha, Helen
The New Look !
Spring is here, I think....and it's time to shake things up! The newly redesigned website is finally up and running!There comes a time when you have to put your best foot forward and march even though the road may be a little rocky, and with my friend Em's expertise, we have come up with something that is practical and lovely.The "shop" page will have my notecard sets, laser and giclee reproductions listed and I may have a few more surprises to add. As far as Easy Living Jazz duet, we have moved to our own web site www.easylivingjazz.com , which is almost ready.The spring juried shows are almost upon us so I will be writing again soon with more news, until then, enjoy the new season!
aloha, Helen
Field Work
What a winter!The weather has been challenging for painting in the field to say the least, but it hasn't stopped me! My friend Em and I perched on the edge of Waimea Canyon for some rainbow quick sketches, and I flew to Oahu to paint on the eastside in between rain squalls and still came home with a few plein air beauties.The trend is set and now I have to show what I've been doing out there!At the end of March, Kauai's Women in Theatre will be doing a play about an artist and they asked me to exhibit my plein air paintings in the lobby of Kauai Community College for the duration of the production.If you're on island the last two weekends of March, come by and see the play and visit me! I'll be there selling paintings, notecards and reproductions.There is also an exhibit in the works for Oahu, of plein air artists from around the state at Pauahi Tower in Honolulu.
Meanwhile, when I can't get away I'm working in my studio getting ready for my solo show in September and the society shows, so much to do!!
Spring is coming!
Sincerely, Helen
Merry and Bright!
Aloha all, wishing you a very Merry Christmas(or Mele Kalikimaka)from Kauai! We've been having a little weather, like the whole world it seems, lots of rain and more to come! For some reason that's when I feel like painting hot and sunny beaches! The Kauai Society of Arts Small Works Show is up in Kukui Grove and one of my pastels, "Hanalei Surfer" aka "Thinking Place" won an Honorable Mention.I've been mailing out notecard sets and giclee prints to customers for Christmas presents and my "en plein air" studies have been a popular gift item also.Easy Living Jazz has been putting visitors and locals in the holiday spirit at the Hukilau Lanai on Tuesday nights and will groove into the New Year on the 31st from 6:30 to 9:30. Let's keep positive and hopeful for 2009 and remember art is what keeps us civilized!!!
Moving Ahead
This is really going to be an amazing year for everyone in one way or another! Changes and more changes!I've been having great fun painting people in the landscape, painting "en plein air" and just plain making art! The Pastel Artists of Hawaii awarded me two Honorable Mentions, I was part of a beautiful juried West Coast Pastelists Show and our own island's Art Kauai.The Small Works Show with the Kauai society of the Arts is coming up on Dec. 13, and I plan on entering my "little people". I also have a new venue for six months at the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf in Kapaa,Kauai, where I'll have a selection of florals and a few landscapes for sale. I have also been selling well in my local galleries and decided to update this website!I'm moving forward to be able to accept on-line payment, and put Easy Living Jazz on a separate URL.For the holidays, there is ELJ's Christmas selections and a new "Lotsa Latin" CD. In the meantime, keep moving forward, do what you love, and trust in God to open the right door!
Sincerely, Helen
Time for Art
This fall brings the juried show season, and I'm off to a good start! I have "Oama Fishing" in the West Coast Pastel Society's membership show, juried by George Rivera,and "Out of the Woods" and "Leaves on a Blur Picnic Table" in our Hawaii State show on Kauai. The Pastel Artists of Hawaii's show, juried by Greg Biolchini, hasn't been juried yet, and I'm waiting with anticipation! Meanwhile those collectors of my work have been steadfast in their support, and I'm grateful in these uncertain times. No matter what the future brings, those of us with the drive to create will continue to make art, this is what makes us strong and gives beauty and meaning to the human existance!
Sincerely, Helen
Ahh Summer...
When you really need to unwind, go camping! That's my family's new motto! We took our show into the wild, so to speak, and had a few days of peace and togetherness. Of course I brought my camera and pastels and came home with some gorgeous sunrises and sunsets as a bonus!
I've been painting alot to get ready for the upcoming juried shows in the fall, hopefully my new works will be chosen! Take some time to enjoy the season of sun and sand, and if you come to Kauai, look me up for an outdoor painting experience!
Sincerely, Helen
New York State of Mind
It's nice to get away from the daily routine and get back to where you once belonged, as the Beatles used to say! April was beautiful in my old hometown, blue skies and the promise of a long summer. I didn't take my pastels but brought my camera and hope to do a few landscapes to keep me remembering my family and friends from the Atlantic side of the world. Easy Living Jazz has two new CD's for sale. More classic jazz and a mixture of contemporary and mellow latin grooves. We are always adding new music to our repertoire so come hear us live at the Hukilau Lanai in Kapaa.
Looking Forward
Kauai is warming up for a beautiful spring here on the eastside! I've been out and about with camera and easel, working through the ever changing light conditions of the lengthening days. In exhition news, I have been awarded an Honorable Mention for my pastel "Jumping Off the Pier" at the KSA membership Show which is on display in Kukui Grove until April 18.
From the studio: If you come to Kauai, don't hesitate to call me and set up an appointment for a studio tour or a private lesson!
Sincerely, Helen Turner
The Show on the Road
It's spring on Kauai,the wet weather is leaving us for awhile and letting us come out and play! I've been painting en plein air more and more, roaming far and wide to capture life as it happens! I've really had some fun painting figures lately, I find as long as they don't see me shooting them with my camera, I can catch my fellow islanders being themselves and enjoying our beautiful waters.
In other news, it's another round of national juried shows to enter! I'm going for some big ones, wish me luck! Our local KSA membership show opens March 8, and I have four pastels in the AHA show at the Honolulu Country Club until the 16th of March. Get out and enjoy the sun!
Sincerely, Helen
A New Year for Challenges
The end of 2007 brought one more honor at the Small Works Show, juried by Pegge Hopper on Kauai. "Chill Coconut Man" won the Potraits of Hawaii Award for the Kauai Society of Artists last show of the season! This was a real surprise and boost for my pastels of "real people" around the islands.This award gives me incentive to keep pushing myself to go beyond the comfort of scenics and into the heart of painting what intrigues me, whether it's a still life,everyday people or this beautiful world we live in!
Happy New Year!
Sincerely, Helen
Most Wonderful Time...
It's time for celebrating everything! Being alive, friends, family,and gifts that bring joy to others are what I have to be thankful for. Yes, I'm enjoying this season of celebration by having a gathering at Roy's Restaurant in Poipu! I thought I'd throw myself a party and give some goodies away and share some great music with old and new friends.Jeff will be playing and then Easy Living Jazz will perform some of our Christmas CD selections. I'm planning on sweetening up the crowd with cookies and cocoa and door prizes of Turner stuff.December 16th is a Sunday, 2-4, please come and celebrate with me!
Sincerely, Helen
Out of Retirement!
All kinds of good things keep happening this month! The first was being accepted into a National Pastel Show in New Mexico. All three of the pieces I entered were accepted: " Oama Fishing","Cane Fire in Hanapepe" and "Study in Rust". Now the hard part, shipping and waiting to hear any further news.
On Kauai, our annual Art Kauai had it's juried show and my entry "Retirement" won two awards, an Honorable Mention and the Aquisition Award from the Hawaii State Foundation on Culture and the Arts. This means I will be part of the States permanent collection in Oahu!
I must keep painting now, it's expected of me!!
Sincerely, Helen
Hot Fun in the Summertime
Aloha! I've got a brand new collection of pastels on exhibit at Roy's Restaurant in Poipu, Kauai!I've got a nice long show from August 5 to January 5, 2008 so if anyone is coming over to visit, please treat yourself to a wonderful meal and gaze! I've got a few figures in this one, and of course our awesome scenery inspires landscapes and seascapes also. I can't help it I must paint!
Sincerely, Helen
Best of Show AGAIN!
The Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 4th Annual Juried Show in Honolulu has chosen my pastel "Where the River Meets the Sea" as the Best of Show! I am so proud to have achieved this award for two consecutive years, I am humbled and honored. This pastel was one I had that feeling about,a sense of peace when you finish that makes you believe you are just an instrument of art.
Thanks to all of my collectors and friends who keep me painting daily!
P.S. A special prayer for Greg Biolchini who is recovering from a car accident! We missed you here and hope you're able to come back soon!
Sincerely, Helen
I'd Better Figure it Out
Is it spring yet? We're all tired of being sick and ready for plein air paint outs!My latest fixation is doing figures in the landscape, capturing my Kauaian neighbors doing what they do best.It's kind of challenging to stalk around with my camera, trying to be casual and snapping off photos. People view me as just another tourist and that's just fine with me! Sometimes I have to get close enough to ask if it's okay to photograph them and then I've lost the spontaneity, oh well, it's all good!These new pastels might give you a little scale to judge the scenery by. Hope you like my latest works!
Sincerely, Helen
p.s."Study in Rust" got an Honorable Mention in the Kauai Society of Artists Members show
Let's Go to the Beach!
February 9-22 are the dates for my solo exhibit of over 37 new pastels at Amy Lauren's Gallery in Hanapepe, Kauai.This show, entitled "When you live on an island...Life's a Beach", celebrates the most beautiful shores on our little Pacific Island from Haena to Polihale. This was great fun to put together, sunset barbeques, early morning rambles and boat trips along the breathtaking Na Pali Coast all contributed to the making of these paintings.I love the sea and I find whether you own a vacation home or live and work here in Hawaii, contemplating an inviting stretch of golden sand can refresh one's spirit!
Jeff and I will play for the reception under the stars on Art Night , the 9th from 6-9! Please come and help me celebrate!
Joy in Chalkville!
One of the most rewarding and heartbreaking of all venues for artists these days are "Juried Shows".In the past three years I have entered a few and experienced these emotions. Rejection, for a pastelist, is always taken personally, as we pour our feelings into every work we submit! This is not a sad blog however, but a joyous one! At the Pastel Artists of Hawaii's 3rd Annual Juried Show, I received the Best of Show Award!!
This is my first entry with this well run organization in Honolulu and the exhibition space is beautiful, in the mezzanine gallery of Pauahi Tower. The juror was Richard McKinley, a nationally known pastelist whose landscapes are breathtaking. I was able to speak with him and his commentary on my painting will lift my spirits for as long as I create art.The painting that received the award was "Spring Floods".
To all my collectors, patrons and friends, I say thank you for believing in my work!
Helen Turner
Shadows and Music
The beautiful golden light of autumn is here, casting those wonderful long shadows over the fields of Kauai! My favorite time to paint landscapes is late afternoon, when it gets cool enough to sit in the sun and paint!
As juried art show season draws to a close, it's time to start preparations for a solo show in Jaunary, and I've got some little gems all ready!
Easy Living Jazz will be bringing out a new compilation CD and then before you know it, time to bust out the Christmas CD !!
Drop me a note to order prints or CD's!
Too Hot to Paint? Never!
Kauai is baking like a piece of microwaved pizza! Of course we have the tradewinds most of the time but if they leave us we're doomed! I've been trying to get out to all corners of the island to shoot the summer blues and greens and taking them into my studio to render. The Turners have been up up and down the rivers too, all the hau trees are in full bloom of yellow hibiscus -like flowers. I'm planning to do some more reflection pastels for an upcoming show. Tis the season for juried art shows too, I'll post any news from those events.
Easy Living Jazz is on vacation, but will be back in September for some fun outdoor events and a special private affair with Chick Corea!!
Meanwhile all this time on my hands, I'm painting away!
Spring out west: I love mountains!!
This spring, the Turner family headed out west for a tour of a few National Parks before the crowds got there.I brought my trusty camera and a plein air set of pastels and had a blast painting on site! I couldn't wait to get home to my studio and do some of those scenics in full color. I've posted some of the Tetons and a few peaceful landscapes of Idaho.
Also the LPG added Polihale to it's list of plein air sites, we came we painted, we swam, we got stuck in the sand...mahalo to Kaui and his guys for helping us out!
All contents © Helen Turner, Kauai artist - pastel and oil paintings. All rights reserved.