Taiko Drummers 12x16" Pastel
Funtimes Concession Stand 12x15" Pastel
Strange Fruit 12x15" Pastel
The Seamstress 12x16" Pastel
Three Sisters 12x16" Pastel
Onion Man 12x15" Pastel
Windy Day at the Swap Meet 12x15" Pastel
Kalihiwai Keiki 12x15" Pastel
Hanalei Play 12x15" Pastel
Surfcasters at Mahaulepu 9x12" Pastel
Chill coconut Man 9x12" Pastel
The Lookout 9x12" Pastel
Market Day 12x15" Pastel
Love and Fishing 12x15" Pastel
Oama Fishing in Kapaa 12x15" Pastel
Farmer's Market 9x12" Pastel
Waiting for a Sale at the Farmer's Market 8x10" Pastel